(ThyBlackMan.com) Lots has been going on this week Trade Adjustment Assistant (TAA) and Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) as well as the admitted lack of a strategy to deal with ISIS. At the end, it hasn’t been a very good week for the Obama administration — but then again perhaps in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We’ve all had that feeling of having woke up on the wrong side of the bed, which can set the tone for your entire day if you let. Here are 11 simple steps that will help you to better prep for your mornings, and eliminate a stressful start to your ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In March of 2007, I wrote an article titled, Obama Drama. Here is the opening paragraph: “Will the euphoria sweeping through our ranks over the possibility of a Black President eventually dominate our collective psyche? Will it overwhelm us with notions of “equality” and “victory,” and ostensibly cause us ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What do you get when add Reince Priebus, the Republican National Convention, the Fox News Channel, CNN, the 2016 Republican presidential candidates’ debates and all rules therein, all national polls on the 2016 GOP candidates for president, the New Hampshire Republican leadership, the Union Leader – the largest and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Rachel Dolezal, president of the Spokane, Washington NAACP has some explainin’ to do. As we heard in recent reports, Ms Dolezal is being accused of perpetrating an African American woman. She has been exposed by none other than her White parents. They have made headlines all over the country ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last summer’s Ferguson, Missouri, disturbances revealed that while blacks were 67 percent of its population, only three members of its 53-officer police force were black. Some might conclude that such a statistic is evidence of hiring discrimination. That’s a possibility, but we might ask what percentage of blacks met ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When I was growing up in Florida, one of the high points of summer were block parties. Local DJs would set up in neighborhood parks or on the beach and kids would come from across town to drink, smoke, and dance to the music. Word of these parties would ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Every traveller knows that the easiest way to save money on business class flights is to book tickets well in advance. This approach is undoubtedly effective and has helped thousands of people fly business class and pay less, but there are situations when you need to take off as ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Derrick Rose, Chris Paul and Stephen Curry are unofficial symbols for black fatherhood via the NBA, and they are repeatedly being attacked for bringing their children to the press conference podium to answer reporters’ questions. Much ado has recently been made about Stephen Curry bringing his 2-year-old precocious daughter, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I know that this is a blatantly late post about the cancellation of ‘Sorority Sisters’, but since I just wrote about black women and our solidarity issues, this is a good time to address my thoughts on such a shameful episode in black history. If you’re not familiar with the ...