(ThyBlackMan.com) The statement “black lives matter” underscores a theological belief that all life is sacred. Unfortunately the black community, and society as a whole, has been placed squarely in the jaws of a moral vice grip; in the aftermath of Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner decisions how do we articulate righteous indignation from a position of moral authority when so much disrespect towards the sanctity of life comes from within our own camp?
Moral and social relativists have tried to reframe the argument against the black community’s outrage by saying “why don’t you protest when a black person kills a white person”or “what about when a black person kills another black person?” The obvious response is simple. First of all to insinuate that the black community has ever been anarchistic has no basis in reality. Research has long shown that the black community has, by and large, always valued effective and appropriate law enforcement. The recent, senseless murder of a young man trying to protect his twin brother in Chicago has been the topic of discussion in the black media ever since it happened. The boy’s mother has decried the lack of more law enforcement so that no one will have to go through what she’s going thru. Secondly when a black person commits a crime against one of our own the community expects them to be prosecuted fairly and appropriately. In other words the time should fit the crime. Lastly, black people go to jail in higher percentages than nearly any other ethnic group in this country. We don’t have the luxury of not being found guilty by a jury of our peers.
Sadly the bulk of these headline-grabbing events are nothing more than a deceptive smoke screen that is designed to deflect attention from the real battle. That battle is not black versus white nor is it rich versus poor as the media would gleefully have you believe.
The real battle is against the family.
The scourge of violence and death in the black community all originates from the same place: a broken home.
According to recent census data over 60% of black children are raised in a single parent home. More than 80 percent of those custodial parents are mothers. They tend to earn a quarter of what a two-parent household earns even though their expenses are higher due to child care and medical costs. Women historically earn less than men do, which places many of these families headed by a single parent at or below the poverty line. Struggling to survive financially becomes such an ever-present burden that effective child-rearing, a difficult task under the best of circumstances, becomes nearly impossible.
There is immutable evidence that there is a clear connection between poverty and crime. Typically in areas where there is a high concentration of poverty there is also a high concentration of crime. The social assistance programs that sprout up in these communities are not a substitute for a healthy, in intact nuclear family.
A healthy organism begins at the cellular level. Therefore an out of order society comes as a result of an out of order family. In other words if the body is sick you treat it at its most elemental level.
But our western society puts more emphasis on things that continue to make us ill. We are deceived into thinking that our lives are governed by the issue of race, class and gender. In the aftermath of the horrific events in Ferguson, MO and New York the media and most every talking head has served up an intoxicating concoction of injustices done to us by the police. Old stories are being dug up and presented as recent events, one sided and highly inflammatory opinions are being used to present an “us versus-them” mentality. At the end of the day both sides of the aisle are so angry and frustrated with the other that the end result is deeper and more entrenched division.
The deception has worked.
The art of deception is a war tactic that is accomplished when measures are taken to get the opponent to react to the wrong set of circumstances. This is what is happening today. People are being deceived that THE most important part of this whole movement is about police brutality and the lack of justice for black men at the hands of an adversarial legal system. And while these are valid points that need to be addressed, they are not where the heat of battle is taking place.
The war against the family is in full tilt. Everything from an emphasis on hyper-individuality which states that I am who I define myself to be regardless of immutable distinctions that were once defined as being gender related, to a blatant disregard for the scientific evidence that men and women are uniquely distinct from one another have all contributed to the demise of the family. Researchers at the University of California at Irvine have shown the how a woman’s brain and a man’s brain processes the same information differently. Their conclusion was that both sexes are equally intelligent but have unique advantages in different areas. This difference leads to different approaches in socialization. How we view the world, how we raise children, how we interact with those around us begins at this level.
Popular culture does not acknowledge this evidence. In fact it not only discounts it, but it seeks to destroy its very existence. Gross consumerism, runaway individuality and the complete lack of any moral center has become the rule of the day. Media outlets have been successful in branding “family values” as an outdated, dysfunctional, overbearing and freedom- killing relic of the past. This message has ushered us into this current age we live in where division, fear and hatred rule the airwaves.
Ultimately if we are going to fix anything within our own community we have to start at the root. That root is the family. Going to marches, listening to emotionally charged speeches, refusing to spend money at certain outlets, and continuing in the fight for justice and equality won’t mean a thing if we don’t attack the real problem. The deceptive tool of righteous indignation will only take us so far, but the tool of nourishing and recommitting ourselves to a strong nuclear family will insure not only the survival of a people, but of a nation.
Staff Writer; Steven Robinson
May also visit this talented writer over at; http://noroomtowiggle.wordpress.com/.
Thank you Steve
It is a good thing to discuss and exchange views. It is how we learn. Many blacks and well-meaning whites are very naïve. They do not realize blacks are in the fight of their lives. Double-digit unemployment for seven straight years is no joke and certainly not meant to enhance the family unit. It is meant to destroy it! One of the major fallouts of high unemployment is crime. If you will notice, the recent killings of blacks all stemmed from crime as a precursor whether real or imagined. Trayvon Martin – recent break-ins in the community; Michael Brown – theft of cigars; and Eric Garner – the selling of loose cigarettes. African Americans cannot allow the State and those who represent the State’s interest to meet acts of crime whether real or imagined when it comes to blacks “with unjust deadly force,” which is what some are proposing in these instances as an expedient means to handle the problem of crime. Additionally, we know the destruction of the family unit lends to the perpetuation of crime. Therefore, we may see more instances of crimes, because double-digit black unemployment as I Indicatd is destroying black households. However, we also know discriminatory hiring practices of businesses controlled by the majority population create the double-digit unemployment numbers being endured by the black population. How do we know this? Whites have for sometime enjoyed statistically very low single-digit unemployment rates (under 5 percent).
What is the answer to this new deadly form of racism? African Americans have to create a new paradigm that leads to economic development, which puts blacks in more control when it comes to employment, through the creation of more black businesses. The white political establishment is telling us that they will not allow blacks to go back to the old days of block grants, which supported organizations like the NAACP, the Urban League and other black civil rights action groups. Block grants, that is giving large sums of money at one time (hence a block of money) to middle class black executives, to perform tasks such as teaching blacks how to interview for jobs, get GED’s, and develop job skills useful to businesses, never led to the creation of black businesses. People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton came out of that era. The job creation plan I propose outlined in the book I wrote “The Fix This Time,” @ http://www.thefixthistime.com proposes putting capital directly in the hands of working Americans, the middle class and African Americans rather than enriching middle men such as black middle class organizations designed to perpetuate black reliance and dependence on white society. However, the book has yet to pick up a following. Nevertheless, I am working very hard to break out (you know become an overnight success story).
@James Davis, very well articulated points. I agree that these men were needlessly and unjustly killed. My theory is that all of the forces you named above have pretty much succeeded in annihilating the cellular structure of much of the black community: the family unit. What we see today is the result of a constant and all out offensive against a community.
BUT…..acknowledging that we have allowed this menace to overtake us is not remotely akin to blaming ourselves. It is simply stating the fact that our best and our strongest need to work harder to maintain their watch.
If we are to take back our community then we have to be stronger than the outside influences that seek to destroy us. I hope this helps facilitate a resonant argument.
I do believe everything you said is true but like you said..we must start at the ROOT. From the 1600s- 1965.. The American Government through slavery, racial discrimination, terrorism, Jim Crow, Lynchings, law after law, prevented blacks as a whole from having freedom, equal opportunities, and moving up in the economic ladder. Thus fast forward to 1965 and due to the past 300 years of racial discrimination many blacks are living in poverty. What does the American Government due? They establish Welfare, welfare promised government assistance to black families ONLY and ONLY if the father was removed out of the household. Thousands and thousands of black fathers across the country had to decide do I stay with my family or let my children starve. Welfare began destroying the black family unit, thus creating a cycle of absent fathers that lasts today. Then from the 1970s- the late 1990’s, the drug war. Nobody can force anybody to sell or due drugs.. But you have a community of ppl living in extreme poverty, ofcourse ppl are going to do anything to survive which is sell drugs to put food on the table for their children. Unfortunately instead of the American Government creating more jobs they created a war, thousands and thousands of black men being locked up for selling drugs, thus meant thousands of black men being imprisoned, thus continuing a a cycle of black children living in poverty without fathers. Yes their is a thing called personal responsibility but unfortunately the inner city is in an unfortunate CYCLE caused by the American governments policies.?
The self-cannibalization of Black people in the inner city is a much bigger problem than Racism. A lot of people reading this personally know people with more Black bodies under their belt than George Zimmerman, myself included, let’s keep it real. We fight other Black people, we listen to songs with punchlines about killing other Black people, and we watch our backs in public because we don’t trust other Black people. I don’t care if that Asian dude voted for Obama and brought front row tickets to that Kanye concert. When he sees a group of Black men at night walking towards him his mind is going to go the same place our minds go, “what are these niggas up to?” Black people racially profile each other, so of course other races are going to do it.
However I am not mad at the racism, I am pissed at the depths people go to mask it.
People are sick of hearing about Trayvon Martin, good… now get sicker because you NEED to talk about how that little boy makes you feel. Non-Blacks need to be beat over the head until they’re forced to admit Black America scares them with their hoodies, aggressive music, and mean mugs. Blacks need to be beat over the head until we realize we’re being judged because we do carry ourselves like savages in our own communities. Good or bad, there needs to be continued discussion about why this country is still the way it is. We are so damn politically correct that race relations have been lulled into a state of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. You can be racist as long as you don’t say it out loud. BULLSHIT. If Amber doesn’t like going to Black clubs because she’s experienced a Black men smacking her ass and coming on too aggressive, than she has to right to say, “Yeah I like Hip Hop, but no way I’m going to the Black club” what’s wrong with that?
I would rather her say “I don’t like partying with all of those Black people“, then to say, “Oh I have a prior engagement, I can’t make the club”. Don’t fucking lie, speak up and admit your feelings good or bad, that’s how we learn about each other.
I’m an optimist, I can’t cry about how America is evil because I’ve seen too much good. We live in one of the most educated places, yet we still do ignorant things. We fear what we don’t understand, that’s why gay marriage is an issue when it shouldn’t be. Straight people fear two men kissing, so we deny civil rights. White people fear darkskin people in hoodies, so they move out of the cities. Black people fear white oppression, so we create conspiracies to justify our distrust and explain not being successful. We don’t know each other at all, nor do we care to get to know each other outside of the stereotypes. I’m disappointed that it took a 17-year-old boy’s death to open eyes to the fact that we need to be brutally honest with how we feel about one another. It’s not about putting on a hoodie, it’s not about Jail time, it’s not about understanding the fear and hate in George Zimmerman’s heart.
It’s about every person in this country taking a hard look at the intolerance inside them and taking the steps to extinguish that bias before it’s passed down generation after generation. That’s how you attain real justice
I Think Your Motive In Writing This Piece May Have Been Right But Your Conclusions Are Completely Wrong!
You are blaming the victims and their families for being killed in each one of these situations when the victims were killed by people “unjustly.” The killers were representing the interest of law enforcement and by extension the interest of the State. The campaigns waged in Sanford, Ferguson and now in New York were waged to get the State to own up to the responsibility of unjustly killing black people. Why is this important? If we allow the State to escape this responsibility, blacks and more specifically black men ( more young than old ) will enter into a period where they can be engaged by whites representing law enforcement ( or the State) and murdered with impunity. This cannot be allowed to become the norm because there are literally tens of thousands of such agencies and people representing the State throughout this country.
This issue of unjustly murdering blacks has to be confronted and dealt with. If not, the murders will advance as they already have to the unlawful killing of that twelve old on a playground at a recreation center in Cleveland. You have to ask yourself (given that the toy gun may have looked real) was that twelve year old kid out of place playing at a recreation center where youngsters go to play? Was Trayvon Martin out of place, walking to the store in his own community to get candy and a drink at a local store?
One of the things that blacks have to do is effectively confront the bigotry and the systemic racism of grand jury proceedings when it comes to State involved and State related killings of blacks. We must push back against the darkness of these proceedings? We additionally have to look pass the prosecutors, pass the predominantly white grand juries and even pass racially insensitive police departments to see who the real culprits are hiding in the shadows who are perpetuating the atmosphere which lend to these killers going unpunished. In Florida, it was discovered that Political Action Committees ( PAC) were the culprits behind crafting laws giving Americans legal cover for taking deadly action with guns based on their own views. These committees were also responsible for lobbying for more liberal gun laws.
Primary among the Pac’s actively working in these areas are the National Rifle Association (NRA) supported by gun manufacturers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) supported by the billionaire Koch brothers who are principal owners of the second largest privately held company in America. Blacks are being buffeted on all sides by the actions of these and other Pac’s. Pac’s are used to support elected officials like the prosecutors in Ferguson and New York. It’s all about money. Some people are using their money to fuel and give life to racial hatred.
You know there are some instances when you can blame the family for certain outcomes, however the unlawful murder of blacks by those representing the State or those acting in the interest of the State is not one of them. It is what it is. And just as blacks addressed it in Sanford, in Ferguson and in New York, the unlawful killing of blacks should be addressed in Cleveland and in any other place these type killings occur.
You got it!!! Sadly, most blacks don’t. They always blame some one or something else.