Raven Symone Really Wanted To Say That She Wasn’t Black!

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The Raven Symone mentality is indicative of so many in the world today who hope to get away from being recognized as what they really are.

It goes far beyond denial of self and is actually an extreme case of being delusional.

Would somebody please get that girl some help like…….FAST?

…….because when she finally gets  – As comedian Paul Mooney likes to say it – that “Nigger wake up call”, she just might become suicidal when understands the label that people put on her.

For those of you who missed it, Raven Symone sat down with Oprah Winfrey for a very interesting and revealing chat that gave her viewers a more intimate idea of what this grown up “out of the closet” version of an adorable little girl who literally grew up on television in every single living room in America is all about.

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Many who absorbed their dialog up walked away just a little confused as to where she was coming from.

Many others said that she was right on point!

I will admit that a part of me understands where she is coming from because I understand her walk through this world as I’ve tried to imagine what life may have been like for her never really having a connectedness to the world as maybe you or I.

Financial success and celebrity from such a young age will always cause an individual to never understand what certain scenarios and situations are like and will speak their truths as they see it not realizing that they can step on someone’s toes who don’t understand where they are coming from.

We’ve got to realize that Raven Symone probably never experienced certain discrimination’s based on race and if she did she probably never realized it.

She truly grew up on a different plane and in a different world.

So from her point of view and many others who’ve applauded her recent expressions, to be identified as merely a race when you’re simply a human being who is part of the human family limits one’s experience in this life and can be quite detrimental.oprah-winfrey-raven-symone-2014

So now in the message boards, chat-rooms and inbox’s of the world there are those who have risen to back this modified version of Raven Symone because they claim that they feel the exact same way.

Okay, now that I have shown that I understand where she may be coming from, take a moment to listen to where I stand on this issue.

In a perfect world, Raven Symone would be right on point.


In a perfect world, the issue of race would never come up in our lives and life would be one continuous “Kumbaya” moment where all colors of the human family would stand together in a colorless society on nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL!

But in actuality may I ask all who are reading this…….when has there been in America one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?

Now maybe those who are mega millionaires who were child stars and adored by all might see life a little different, but I don’t think the majority of us have enjoyed such a distant vision that I feel is a hopeless proposition here in this melting pot of hate and perversion called America.

The fact of the matter is that the world is NOT this perfect place and never will be as long as we as a human family continue to live our lives disconnected from submitting to divine law to live as we wish and not in the manner that our Creator intended for us.

But that’s another point so don’t let me jump the gun.

To me, when a high profile individual or celebrity comes out to say that they are not African American or attempts to distance themselves from their obvious lineage, in essence they are giving those people a pass who want to ignore that terrible blot in history that they’ve never wanted to acknowledge or own up to when it comes to dealing with the repercussions in a people that were the direct result of The Black Holocaust.

Pharrell Williams made some comments earlier this year that had this same effect on distancing oneself from what the masses of Black people of this world have to endure everyday of their lifes:

“The New Black doesn’t blame other races for our issues, the New Black dreams and realizes that it’s not pigmentation: it’s a mentality and it’s either going to work for you or it’s going to work against you. And you’ve got to pick the side you’re going to be on.”


Again, this is from someone who makes enough money to travel in an entire different lane than those who have to walk amongst the common man.

So if being Black is not pigmentation but a state of mind, why is Trayvon Martin dead right now? Was George Zimmerman a mind reader?

If Raven Symone doesn’t see color – and that’s fine with me if she doesn’t – then why do veteran Black actors speak on the discrimination in Hollywood and limited work opportunities for defining breakthrough roles aside from the chosen few?

Now Raven Symone came back to correct how she came off to say that she didn’t say that she wasn’t Black as she can connect with all races but the fact of the matter is that she originally spoke what she felt straight from the heart:

“I’m tired of being labeled. I’m an American. I’m not an African-American, I’m an American.”

“I’m an American, and that’s a colorless person. Because we’re all people; I have lots of things running through my veins.”

“I have darker skin. I have a nice, interesting grade of hair. I connect with Caucasian, I connect with Asian, I connect with black, I connect with Indian. I connect with each culture.”


Now when you get down to it, most Black Americans – as I choose to “label” myself, since I don’t feel as though I’ve ever been embraced as an American until 9-11 when many White folks where scared to death of anything from the Middle East relieving me of my threatening big Black thug label in their minds – are of mixed lineage but can only trace back their true roots but so far.

So we’ve been left to fill in the blanks and connect the dots in a manner that not only has been downright comical at times, but literally dangerous!

Black people in America definitely have an identity problem – not all of us – but too many of us!

So Raven Symone can distance herself from her “label” but what about the people in Ferguson Missouri? Are they afforded the same luxury also when they saw how Micheal Brown was murdered and countless others (Including yours truly) had to stare down the barrel of a police gun being held by someone who you knows hates your guts simply because of their “label” of you?


You see, we as Black people  didn’t start the label game and we shouldn’t be the ones who bear the weight of having to patch this mess up.

It baffles my mind when I see the overwhelming silence transpire in a racist country like the United States of America when we are getting slaughtered wholesale in this emerging police state but yet when a “colored” ( I don’t want to scare any of the apologists away by saying African-American or the even more frightening term Black!) person who is high profile with great fame wants to say that they are colorless, the masses of “others” stand up to applaud and echo her sentiments.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am proud of my so called label which at the core is BLACK!

So see, “Blackness” is bigger than nationality. Blackness is bigger than a geographical area. Blackness cuts across narrow container and if I had a choice of who I could return as if I had another life after this one one this level…….it would be to return as a Black man!

So for all of the hardships, discrimination, murder, redlining, illegal hiring practices, Jim Crow laws, slanted legislation, mass media brainwashing, rape as well as the outright hate that one who looks like me must endure, I STILL love who and what I am and will NEVER deny it because this is the way GOD ALMIGHTY made me and I am alright with Him because of it!

So if I may ask all those who refuse to see color…….if seeing color is so wrong, then why did our God create it?

If being an African American is so disgusting, then that means that Raven is suggesting that all Italian-Americans or Japanese-Americans or Irish-Americans should not want their “labels” either!


…….and after all that the Japanese went through here in America I’ve NEVER heard anyone of their younger generation who were born on American soil state that they are not a Japanese-American!

What I’m getting at the people who are of various races embrace and enjoy their individual and mixed cultures, so why shouldn’t we?

Other races embrace and love who they are and their unique trajectory through history but Black folks seem to be the only race of people by far who try their best to be everything else other than themselves and minimize any semblance of Black ethnicity that is OH SO OBVIOUS!

So to say that she is not African-American is a veiled way of saying that she is not Black!

I’m not speaking out of a spirit of hate toward anyone but to many times we shy away from getting down to the nitty-gritty up front and personal and only have the balls to whisper around “the water cooler!”

So I LOVE to explore the cultures that other races and ethnicity’s have developed, it’s a beautiful thing and as we all dwell under the umbrella of the human family “label”, we must understand that God Himself MADE COLOR and race for a reason because it would get pretty damn boring down here on this earth if we were all the same!

So SEE color! But also SEE the God in your Brother or Sister who may be of another race, religion, culture etc.


To wrap it up, I believe that Raven Symone grew up isolated from the world that the common man and woman must walk, but at the same time as she got older I believe that she wanted to remain oblivious to the world outside of her sheltered existence because it appeared to be too daunting a task to handle.

So she chooses to stick her head in the sand and as in all things Disney, stay away from all things controversial!

I guess she was taught well because it’s better business wise for the bottom line.

We really need to have a live discussion on this general topic in a talk show so look for that very soon!

Staff Writer; Lance Scurvin
Official website; http://www.LanceScurv.com

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