(ThyBlackMan.com) When I heard the words spoken by rapper Lil’ Boosie in a recent interview it made me cringe severely in my chair because it amazes me how someone with a limited experience in the broader scope of the struggle of Black people – worldwide and especially in America – could be showcased to say such ignorant things over the public airwaves.
Now, I understand where he is coming from because I see that he has been limited in his grasp of the total Black experience, but what scares me is how his fans and how so many other who follow him will be influenced to feel the same way that he does.
Correct me if I’m wrong in my observation, but when a “celebrity” of sorts like Lil Boosie makes such statements about Black people, somewhere down the line I believe he will be rewarded with even more opportunities to reflect us as being sub par, stupid and inept when compared to the rest of the human family.
Buffoonery pays well in this day and age and if you are willing to say derogatory things about your people publicly it only ensures a special place in the house of the oppressor who takes delight in tearing a people down.
[youtube rG_UUAfD0mc]
But the fact of the matter is that we are a brilliant race of people who have contributed to all great things exalted by the human family but now have to face the results of our capture and mental indoctrination as we are now beginning to believe the bad press clipping put out there about us.
Yes we are not what we were collectively as a race but to say that we are the WORST is a completely misleading!
Does Lil Boosie understand that there has been legislation put in place here in America for as long as this country has existed to make it harder for the Black man to achieve anything of note?
But yet, we still rise as there are many examples of our excellence as a people regardless of the amount of obstacles that are thrown in our path!
Somebody needs to get to this fool quick before he convinces countless other young Black youth that we are the worst race which in turn will make it easier to pull the trigger on the gun on each other to manifest even more self hate.
But isn’t it funny how easy it is for someone who is obviously not knowledgeable to get on a platform that will be distributed to the masses to say such foolish things while we never hear from the scholars amongst us who can break it down in an undisputed manner?
Our people are being destroyed and our culture is being hijacked and those who truly desire to make it to the top of any influential area will more than likely have to sell out on encouraging their people in exchange for preaching a sense of hopelessness to them.
So in my mind, the Lil Boosie mentally as displayed in his recent interview is merely the latest episode of statements and actions made by high profile Black people that will be used to hammer the final nails in the coffin of our existence.
You can’t tell me that anyone who happens to be a judge that is on the fence in their decision on a court case upon hearing Boosie’s words isn’t swayed just a little bit toward given someone more of a sentence because they will now view them as hopeless because they’re Black?
Now, when you take the entire roster of clown-like reality television shows that are shoved down our throats as though it is a fair cross section and representation of Black people, one could only imagine the effect that it has on others who basically abhor us anyway when it’s all said and done.
At the end of the day we’ve got to understand that the words of Lil Boosie and those similar to him must be taken for what it is.
While we all can grow and mature into a better version of ourselves as I hope Lil Boosie does as he gets a better grasp of how this worldly system works in a wicked way to keep us not making progress, understand that he speaks from a place of ignorance, partially truths expressed improperly and as a young man who simply isn’t “THERE” yet.
So as a remedy for my dissatisfaction for his expressions, let me suggest that we seek out the scholars and knowledgeable ones who can truly teach us how to navigate this wicked system successfully because I know for a fact that God didn’t create the original man of the planet earth to be the worst in anything!
If we are the worst, then the entire human family is the worst because they ALL came from us!
Those of you who enjoy the brotherhood of secret handshakes and signs KNOW that I’m telling the truth and you need to speak out when you hear lies like this being perpetuated!
But I won’t hold my breath because it seems as though some of us are gagged, knocked in the head and put to sleep like Hiram Abiff so I guess I’ll continue to cry out like a wolf all alone in the wild!
But I guess I’ll been alright as long as Lil Boosie doesn’t find himself on the Fox News network being interviewed by Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly.
Whew! If that were to happen then you KNOW the world is coming to an end!
Tupac was a son of a Panther who NEVER would a said an empty headed coon ass statement like that during all the injustice that’s been happening now…talking about what pisses you off…dead teenagers my son’s age piss me off dick head no matter who kills them….but I damn sure wouldn’t come out with some stupid s*** like that against my people and then I wouldn’t be a d******* and defend them and say that’s his opinion who cares what pisses your girl ass off that’s why you spell your name with the lower case D cuz you don’t matter
@Devin…..no you are intellectually bankrupt that was the most foolish fallacious argument I ever heard my life son understand one thing I’ve heard more than 100 Boosie songs on the way from DC to Massachusetts because I’m a truck driver and I work with other young black men he said nothing but dope dealing and murder wasn’t that the guy arrested for killing another black man but I’m funny kill yourself n*****
Oh and another thing devin…..I didnt endorse a lame stream artist either you f****** idiot
that’s the problem with these young dumb f****** today they don’t know anything they want to make idiots Martin Luther King and Malcolm X they want to make Lil Wayne relevant to the black community they want to make lil Boosie relevant to the black community they are not relevant they are poison to the black community dumbass
This is so funny, because isn’t this his opinion? So why the heck are people getting pissed? We all have a opinions you idiots. And this reply is to leVar smith, dude are utterly freaking funny, do you know that kids are way better off listening to boosie then mainstream hip hop artist? They are the ones who are brainwashing the children saying the most foulest things and rapping and singing about the same stuff,drugs,sex,swag,having bad girls,and so much more all the time with no different topic..exactly, so listen to all of boosies music, they compare him to tupac.
Mr.Keasley no disrespect but God did not flood the earth to get rid of the original man. He destroyed the earth because demon angels were impregnating woman producing a superhuman race of evil giants. Satan had began to pollute the human gene pool that God initially created.
that is not what he said and no one took it the wrong way you’re just such a dick rider that you’ll believe anything one of your favorite dumbass artists say. did you put in contacts the situation that cause people to steal rims no one would steal rims if they could get a job you dick. furthermore does he think it was a hill to our 8th to make over 100 songs claiming how he’d kill black men and proclaiming how he was great because he sold drugs in our community get the f*** out of here f*** Little Boosie and you too
I noticed the people that agree with this idiot probably listen to this idiot music which he does nothing but glorify the murder of other black men he glorified the selling of drugs in our community and also the prison culture. he is something for little dumbass sweep out your own closet before you try to take a broom to someone else’s
I agree with Boosie. All he was trying to say is that we treat each other the worst. It’s sad but it’s true. We are the most jealous, and violent towards each other out of all races. And to add to your comment on the original man. God wanted the original man destroyed (Noahs Arc). He wanted original man replaced by races of stronger faith and purity. I’m flavor flav black. I’m attending law school and gas never had a criminal record. But I understand exactly what he is saying about us, people just take it the wrong way.
Great conversation! I’m actually impressed with most of what was covered. I felt that the rapper was being very candid. I don’t agree with his outlook, especially on the black on black crime. I believe that most people, of any race, who are in a survival mode for such a long period of time become a certain way. Their eyes become blurred to the fact that, hey wait a minute, we`re all family here. Poisonous thinking can affect any race, especially if you’re constantly being fed poisonous thoughts about your race. So,I disagreed with him on that, but I loved the comments he made about blacks teaching their own and consoling their children, rather than sitting that child in the back of the class, because they understand that child`s need.I also appreciated his honesty in the topic of monogamy. It’s sad when many men live some type of lie, and then their women find out later that they’re HIV positive due to his sexual escapades. Overall, I felt the man was speaking from the heart, but I think he needs to be mentored by a leader who can explain to him that his people are in need of help, not criticism, or condemnation; not another rap lullaby, but a strong articulate leader. He`s been given the gift of expression, so he can definitely be a better voice, and a better leader, if he wants to be.
Isaiah 5:13
Therefore my people go into exile for lack of knowledge; their honored men go hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst.