Dollars & Sense?.

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( “Money makes the world go ’round”. This statement has held up through the test of time as being an accurate account of peoples relationship with money. “Money is the root of all evil.” It is also a very accurate account, although I’m beginning to see at the root of all money trees,there is an evil person planting the seeds. And in many cases  the tree is nurtured by the work and skill of  OUR PEOPLE and watered with OUR BLOOD.

Examples are; Fokkks News and Rupert Murdokkk, ABC/ESPN and Walt Disney, or CNN(Characterise Niggers Negatively) and Ted Turner to name a few. And much like the U.S. government, when these tress are allowed to grow, they serve duel purposes as branches to white supremacy to control group economics and a  road block that throws shade on our community. Shade is never good for people who need to see the light and these money trees cause further damage to our community when the few heads picked from our people are allowed to gather a few fallen leaves.

These individuals were  hand picked by the tree growers to be spokesmen for them . Their job is to give a false narrative to the oppressed that the tree grower is fair and honest and, although it was the masses working for little to No money to give the tree life, it is due to the oppressed peoples work ethic as to why the cannot grow a tree of their own. This example can be seen throughout the history of  OUR PEOPLE. Even though the country was built off of OUR STOLEN labor with OUR STOLEN knowledge people will say we are lazy, stupid and have contributed nothing. Huh!!!????? Maaaannnn later for that….. Someone should ask these people how do you work from “can’t see morning til can’t see night” and be “stupid”,” lazy” and “not contribute”?

It doesn’t make sense. In the words of my uncle OJ Baker “common sense is a gift not a given”. True indeed! Which is why my “gift” told me after learning (via MrSuperboy 223 of YouTube ) that Crackkkers News Network (CNN) did a softball interview with all white interviewers on Paula Deen making a comeback. To no surprise ,because I understand Paula Deen represents as a branch on a money tree for white supremacy. Add on the “culture vulture” aspect of preparing what was always categorized as “Soul Food”  when we’ve prepared it since our arrival, now turning into “Down Home Cookin'” , and common sense tells you there’s a dollar involved. And if you’re black common sense tells you that some “Coons will come ah’ runnin’ real soon”.

The very next day…(via YouTube) Tariq Nasheed calls out Steve Harvey for not only interviewing Paula Deen but inviting her to be a mentor two young black boys!!!!!!! Huh?!!!!  OK , of course I know there are agents of deception in OUR Community who will sell us out for a few leaves off the tree of white supremacy. Yes Steve Harvey is one of them, this is the man who made the movie “Think Like A Man” , titled after the book he wrote, which threw black men under the bus helping to further drive a wedge between the black man in the black woman. Think about it fellahs, remember when your girlfriend came home and expected you to act like a character off of a movie ,all the while Steve Harvey was cheating on every black woman he dealt with. And as a single father I would never ever bring a court system between my child and his mom we can work out our differences and be parents without involving the police or a judge.

But enough about him he would ask me put a known white supremacist around young black boys for mentorship? Ask yourself, why would a black man from the south allow kids to be mentored by a white woman from the south who admittedly is a white supremacist? She said on television her grandfather owned slaves and when he was forced to release them he was sad. Of course he was, he had to work now!!! And no one ever asked” hey Paula where did you get all this money to start up your business?” Hmmmmm……” I’m gonna go with grandaddy’s slave for a thousand Alex!!”

And to, the white supremacist supporters in blackface that can’t rub off, allow me to show you exactly how Paula Deen is a racist white supremacist. She has a known prejudice against blacks and it is a family lineage of it from her own admission, she was not sued for using the N word and admitting that she used it before, however she was sued for not compensating her black employers for hours that they worked, forcing them to dress as slaves for a wedding in which they were forced to enter through the back ,work hours off the clock that they were not compensated for and she threatened their on the clock job  if they resisted or complained.

This is the definition of white supremacy and racism. Keep in mind that the lawsuit was thrown out due to the time limit of the suit, not the evidence or the fact that it was all true but due to the statute of limitations. So again I ask you ,what would Steve Harveys’ motivation be? What would motivate you to put that type of mind state around black children in a position of authority for her to look down on the people she always looked down on anyway!! What next George Zimmerman taking young black boys hunting and camping !!

How about officer Darren Wilson gun safety training!!!! You will never see Minister Farrakhan teaching the ADL members children and he told the truth and actually has something to teach them!!!! You won’t see gay whites support Isaiah Washington!!!! But for a few of masters raked up leaves off of his tree you will see Buck Dancers by the boatload running to be masters most accepted. I guess now Steve Harvey will have Donald Sterling on a show and ask him him run a boys club in the projects.

And we won’t say or do anything because he’s making a dollar….but that doesn’t make sense… A Dollars-and-Sense-ppt-2014 from the south who has a black son would  ask white supremacist to mentor black boys , and the black people who made him rich won’t say anything!!!!! I started by writing cliches we all have heard about money the one I left out , for obvious reasons, ” Money doesn’t grow on trees” was always one I never understood. Because why would you think money grows on trees, I mean I know they both cause shade, provide food for animals, provide cover in the jungle  and are used to build houses.

But one gave me syrup and the other gave me debt, one gave me a boat and one gave me a boat note, to commit treason against your People for a Dollar is the most disgusting act imaginable wether you are robbing and killing your own or CNN throwing you a bone you are still a sell out for a dollar. These people should be dealt with harshly and ostracized from our community, we should no longer support anything that they do or try to push in our community and no longer be considered a friend of our community or a member. We should move in Mass taking all of our money elsewhere and using it amongst our.

If they do not truly respect our views thoughts ,and what’s going on in our community we can gladly use and choose other avenues as I have said such as reading , Black YouTube or simply enjoying your family. Spending dollars with my family and friends that makes sense. Helping to build a strong community with dollars that makes sense. Selling your people out for a few cents to make a dollar… “Now That Don’t Make No Sense”

(P.S.) make sure you remember the acronyms for CNN and for those of you who say CNN employs black people…….please Don Lemon is about as black as Eminem….

Staff Writer; LeVar Smith