(ThyBlackMan.com) The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) describes itself as “the conscience of the U.S. Congress.” According to the dictionary, conscience is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives. Notice that the root of the word conscience is the word “con,” which is exactly what the CBC has turned out to be.
They have conned the American people into believing that they represent the values of the Black community; and nothing could be further from the truth. They have sat silently by as President Barack Obama has put forth policies that have decimated the very people they claim to represent – the Black community.
This con was put on public display last week in the aftermath of the senate election in Mississippi. Incumbent U.S. Senator Thad Cochran’s successful reelection was credited to Black Democrats crossing party lines to vote for the six-term Republican incumbent.
This led to the headline in online site Politico: “Congressional Black Caucus to Thad Cochran: You owe us.” I was flabbergasted. The article contained several quotes by members of the CBC demanding that Cochran reward the Black voters of Mississippi by pushing forward their liberal agenda in the U.S. Senate.
According to the article, “The wish list is filling up with ideas like maintaining funding for food stamps, beefing up programs that help poor blacks in Mississippi and even supporting the Voting Rights Act.”
CBC members were adamant.
Rep Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio and chairman of the CBC).hat some CBC: “Absolutely we have expectations. Mississippi is the poorest state in the union. I think he [Cochran] is a very decent man. I also think there comes a point in time where every single elected official has to do what’s best for the people he represents, and his state is 35 percent minority and poor.”
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.): “My hat is off to Sen. Cochran for being as desperate as he was, to actually go out and, up front, go out and ask for those votes. Those votes were delivered, and I’m hopeful he will be responsible and responsive to the voters that pushed him over the top.”
Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.): “What I hope happens is that he [Cochran] comes to the realization that African-Americans are the reason I have this final six years and therefore I’m going to try and be more responsible than I have been.”
And NAACP Mississippi State President Derrick Johnson added, “Two things that we think should come immediately after the election [are] his support of the Voting Rights Act … free of any provisions that would allow for voter ID and, second, to get the presidents of the Black colleges to ask for his offices for help to make sure the [missions] of those institutions are carried out.”
As “Pookie” in the ‘hood would say, let’s keep it real. Blacks are 36 percent of the electorate in Mississippi and accounted for about 10 percent of the vote for Cochran; but yet members of the CBC are “demanding” concessions from Cochran.
But they don’t hold Obama to the same standard. In 2012, Blacks were 15 percent of the national electorate and Obama received 93 percent of that vote. In 2008, Blacks were 11 percent of the national electorate and gave Obama 96 percent of that vote.
Despite these numbers, the CBC has never demanded anything from Obama that would be of special interest to the Black community. They have made feeble suggestions to Obama, they have sent nice letters to Obama, they have even sent White people to inquire of Obama on their behalf (because he frequently refuses to meet with them); but they have never found the guts to “demand” anything from him.
Why? Because he is Black.
Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver (D-Mo. and then-chairman of the CBC) said in 2011,”If (former President) Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem [Black unemployment], we probably would be marching on the White House… As the chair of the Black Caucus, I’ve got to tell you, we are always hesitant to criticize the president. With 14 percent (Black) unemployment, if we had a White president we’d be marching around the White House. … The President knows we are going to act in deference to him in a way we wouldn’t to someone White.”
In another interview, Cleaver was asked what he would say if former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, instead of Obama, had been elected president and the Black unemployment was double digits? He said, “As much as I love Sen. Clinton, I would have been all over her on 14 percent unemployment for African-Americans. I would have said, ‘My sister, I love you, but this has got to go.’”
Let’s back up a moment. Cochran, a Republican, gets 10 percent of the Black vote. So, the CBC demands action from him, even if that means offending the 90 percent vote total Cochran received from conservative White s in Mississippi. Yet, Obama, a Black Democrat, gets nearly 100 percent the Black vote, and feels he doesn’t “owe” African Americans anything. Even worse, Black leaders don’t demand anything from him.
This pulls back the cover on the so-called ‘conscience” of Congress. This race-based hypocrisy on the part of the CBC proves they have no conscience.
Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson
Mr. Jackson is also founder of a political and industrial consultant firm which is based in Washington, DC; Raynard Jackson & Associates.
I submitted a book to President Obama through our Virgin Islands’ Delegate to Congress, Donna Christensen and I never received an acknowledgement, a response nor a Thank you.
Picture This … is an anthology of my reflections as an artist, an educator and an elder in the Virgin Islands addressing the social issues I have been witnessing. As an elder, in this community, I cannot stand by and watch the social decay and not say something, as an educator I cannot sit and not offer solutions to these conditions, and as an artist, at this time of my existence, the pen is mightier than the sword.
I never expected that I would receive an endorsement from President Obama, and that this would put the book on the best sellers list, but I was looking forward to knowing that some of the issues that exist here in the Virgin Island would warrant his attention.
Issue and Concern:
I feel remiss; as a born U. S. citizen, born in New York City, I was only able to vote for Sen. Obama in the Democratic primaries. This is a policy that exists for U. S. citizens living in U. S. Territories, that we as citizens forfeit the right to vote for the President.
What I find just as disturbing is that Jewish American citizens living in Israel are able to vote in America for the President. There is the belief that because the Territories are ninety percent black, ethnic people, that we would be too large a voting bloc.
As citizens of the U. S. of America, it is our right to vote for those who will have an impact on our lives in the territories.
This is a Change that needs to be addressed.
The CBC has one job, and one job only…..To keep blacks voting democrat by 97%…..that’s it.
Way to go You Dummies. Truth doesn’t always fall on death ears. AWESOME comments.
So basically you dont like being called out on your bull crap? You come on here “categorizing” black people as either warriors or traitors with your Kunta and Toby comparisons only because someone has a different opinion than you. Couldn’t care less if someone like you never posted here again. There was nothing intellectually engaging with anything you said nor wise or profound. People are warriors if they agree with your philosophy and they are cowards and traitors if they dont. No wonder one political party has had a monopoly on the black community because we are not allowed to be independent thinkers especially amongst our own. Hope you are brushing up on your spanish.
Assumption… makes an a.. of you and me. My last comments here. When I find that when someone who fancies themselves as a keyboard warrior, I don’t waste time authicating myself. To answer conscious stupidity with any sort of enlightened thought s a waste of time.
People who come on here talking about Kuntas and Tobys and not suggesting any alternatives for get something.
First off, that is how our electoral system works, you vote for people who are going to do something for you (PERIOD). Why in the world are you voting if the person you are voting for isnt doing anything for you. The LGBT community gets it, the Hispanic Community gets it and of course mainstream whites get it but some idiot just came on her saying why do we expect him (the POTUS) to do anything for us????? Find the highest cliff, cut a hole in your parachute and jump!
Second of all, it is you same idiots that whenever a black person has an original thought (not a Democrat), that you bash them for being racist or turning their back on the black community. Hermain Cain was a trail blazer and so is that world famous neurologist Benjamin Carson but Raccoons (pro-black-blacks) bash them because they dont march to the deliverers of Welfare (Democrats).
So many idiots walking around acting like they are “enlightened” but their thoughts are as bright as a 2watt light bulb.
Great Article. Unfortunately it will continue to fall on deaf ears until the con leaves office.
I read the article by Raynard Jackson, and his article reinforces a belief that I have. In the African American community, there are Kunta Kintes(black people who understand that their financial, social, and spiritual welfare is their responsibility to be the master of) and Toby(ies)[black people who are intellectually and emotionally talented, but mentally enslaved by standards of success set by their European masters]. This unfortunately, is a Toby article. The POTUS is a Kunta. A Kunta is a person of African descent that charts their own destiny. It is funny how many of our Kuntas are pillared(MLK, Maya, Malcolm X)for their views, but admired for their bravery and foresight in their deaths. Crying about how the POTUS should do more to promote some sort of financial and social welfare for “us peeoplesss” is a sad commentary and speaks of societial slavery. Brother Jackson, you may be black, but your thought procecesses are not owned by yourself.
Raynard, you continue to bash the President but you don’t come up with any intelligent solutions of your own. It is ok to criticize but your criticism is paid for by the Republican Party and more so by those that you detest or you say you detest which is the Tea Party. To demand things base on what you deliver is the basis of what you do as a lobbyist. You deliver to your clients, access to Congress and the Senate to vote on bills that your clients want, where is the difference in what you do and what they are doing. Selling out, you are sell out “Son.” Solutions not arguments of who Zooming who. You have a platform with Roland and Angela and others but nothing of intelligence comes out of any of your mouths, all you, just talked about what is wrong, come up with some solutions, then you have a foot to stand on!
Black people are getting what they deserve. Oh, and just wait, it will get a whole lot worse. The outstandingly sad part about all this is that no matter what happens….NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, stock market collapse, ebola break out from illegals crossing the border, food shortages and 95% black unemployment….you will still have the majority of black people not willing to even consider that this administration has any responsibility for it.
There are many disturbing parts of this article. The first why did they have to wait until the last six years to demand anything. Too many Blacks are still falling into the “hand out” mentality of people giving them things. If you want an education go out and get one, if you want a good job go out and get qualified for that job, if you want a voice in politics go out and run for elected office and be active in your community. If you want change get off your lazy behind and get active, get involved…
Blacks again will never obtain any value if they continue to wait on others and the CBC is not helping. No one helped me earn my degrees except my hard work and strong work ethic.
We are still teaching to many generations to wait on others and have their hands-out for help from whites. Mississippi is just an example of other states across this country.
I have been teaching over 25 years in urban schools, worked with urban programs and live in a urban area. I do not turn my back on my culture, I stay active, I stay involved. Blacks have to ask themselves do they want to improve their lives or happy to get handouts and continue to have a pity party.
William Jackson, M.Ed.
Social Media and Bullying Speaker