Save Thousands When Arranging a Funeral.

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( I know, just like most people, you probably don’t want to think about or even talk about the prospect of a death in the family. You can always call a funeral home and they will be happy to take care of the whole thing. 

Funeral homes are like any other Business, with the bottom line of making maximum profits. A key component in making maximum profits, is the cost of the Casket. The Casket is the most costly item you pay for in a traditional funeral. Paying less for the Casket will have the largest impact on the overall cost of the any funeral.

People all over the country have saved thousands of dollars every year soHundred dollar bill on coffin why not you. They simply purchase a casket at the wholesale price, which includes shipping and a reasonable fee for handling. Saving of 30% to 60% is not uncommon. You do not have to purchase a casket for the funeral home.  Federal Law (The Funeral Rule) says a funeral home cannot refuse to use a casket provided by the family of the deceased or charge a fee to handle it. Like any good salesmen, funeral directors use tactics to sway families to use the caskets they provide. Listed below are some helpful things to know, to avoid overpaying when you deal with a funeral home.
They must show you a casket price list before you see the caskets. That is the Law.
They must provide you with their Basic Price List, which shows the cost (in writing) for each item. This will help to prevent paying for an item you don’t want or need.
When a funeral director lowers the price of any casket, by giving you a discount, it’s just an indication of how much they were willing to overcharge you.                                                                                                                                    
They must provide you with a list of state regulated non-declinable services only a funeral home can provide. (embalming, refrigeration, transfer of remains)  
Any item not included on the non-declinable list, you can provide for yourself if you can or engage a third party vendor at a lower price.
Never accept a package, bundle or single priced deal for the entire funeral.
If there are any items you can provide for yourself, you simply have to state “the family will provide that item itself.” (write an obituary, order flowers provide)
It can be a good idea to take a trusted friend or relative to help you through the funeral planning interview.
This article is for informative and educational purposes only, and should not be understood as legal advice.
Staff Writer; Nicholas McNeal
For Caskets & Urns for your deceased love ones visit this authors website; SavonCaskets.
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