Empowering Girls Empowers The World in the 21st Century.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Speaking and presenting at workshops, conferences and seminars nationwide, helping to contribute to the growing knowledge of using technology responsibly, building knowledge
in Social Media in marketing and branding, preventing Bullying/Cyberbullying. Girls and  young women have a world of potential as never before. The elements of STEAM in the educational system is expanding the opportunities of careers and creating deep passions
for girls and women in careers once thought unobtainable.

As I speak to groups such as Journey Into Womanhood, Emerging Young Leaders, Best of Bold and the Boys and Girls Club in their leadership conferences.

Girls are becoming engaged in areas they would not have dreamed of exploring 10 to 20 years ago. Schools, businesses, industries, technology and the opportunity to be successful entrepreneurs have opened doors to girls and women as never before seen or experienced. Conferences like the Florida Blogging Conference Education -http://www.facebook.com/FLBlogCon    are setting the foundation for not just educators, but students to use Blogging, Vblogging, Podcasting andWilliamJacksonandGirlsofJIW2 other evolving technologies to help girls share their passions, abilities and talents. As a presenter at the Florida Blogging Conference Education as an educator girls and women are becoming entrepreneurs in digital businesses and creating jobs in markets that were not available 10 years earlier.
History is laced with women that are trailblazers in fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics: STEAM. The successes for women and their influences are inspired by role models that range from; Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), Barbara Charline Jordan, Sarah Jane Woodson Early (first African American College Professor) and numerous others in career fields that were once dominated by men are now being challenged by women that are intelligent, talented and creative.

The sky is the limit for girls and women as educational resources and access to higher educational schools, vocational opportunities and even advancement in military service is accelerating the learning curve of girls and women. The expectations for success are higher  and more demanding in a global economy that is laced with technology innovation and emerging technologies. Women are making valuable and long lasting contributions to their cultures, the nation and the world.

There are still gaps in achievement for girls and boys, parents working with educators and administrators can make significant changes in behaviors and perceptions that play a part in a girl’s inner vision of their abilities and promotion of their talents. Stated by Professor Else-Quest, University of Maryland “Despite gender similarities in math and science achievement, female adolescents tend to believe their science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) abilities are just not as strong as those of their male classmates.” This is far from the truth. Girls and women are just as talented as boys and men and they must be nurtured and supported.

Expectation continue to rise for girls and woman, Jenny Parkes, senior lecturer in education at the Institute of Education, University of London, said there are marked changes in girls’ achievement in the latter half of the 20th century, in part thanks to successful influence of the way girls view themselves from successful women like Mae Jamison and Stephanie Wilson Black astronauts with NASA and Shawna R. Kimbrell, 555th FS, the first African-American female fighter pilot.

Events like: Emerging Young Leaders (EYL) Summit (Empowering Our Youth for a Brighter Future Summit), Journey Into Womanhood Mentoring Program and other national programs for middle and high school girls to gain valuable tools that help in understanding and mastering their abilities and talents especially in the fields of STEAM and Technology.

The Emerging Young Leaders Program, is a national initiative of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and has four core components, Leadership Development; Character Building; Educational Enrichment; and Civic Engagement. These areas are important to the development of girls
and the continued advancement in a world of emerging technologies.

Even nationally White House Council on Women and Girls found that women who work in STEM fields make about a third more than women in non-STEM jobs. Stated that “it is “especially disconcerting” that women make up only 25 percent of the STEM workforce, which is expected to grow by nearly 20 percent over the rest of the decade.”

Women need to be involved and active in the development of new jobs and economic opportunities. Careers in technology, STEM, STEAM, and even vocational education with areas that integrate technology are growing. To continue to make contributions in the growth of our nation girls and women are an important part of the nation and its success.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.

Also check out; http://www.About.Me/WilliamDJackson