What Actress Lupita Nyong’o Speech Can Teach Young Girls.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Lupita Nyong’o has been making her rounds on-screen at award shows and in the magazines, detailing her effortless fashion style. However, the moment that I felt a sense of connection with Lupita was during her speech on beauty standards and self-image.

Recently, Lupita Nyong’o attended Essence Magazine‘s Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon and it was there she delivered a powerful and brilliant speech reflecting on her journey towards self-love.

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So many girls and women worldwide struggle with self-love due to the media’s limiting depiction of beauty. However, in her speech, Lupita Nyong’o made brilliant points that one should never forget.

1. Don’t let Hollywood or the media define your beauty.
Too often, we get caught up in admiring some of our favorite celebrities and allowing the media to dictate what we should look like. Being consumed with their false or limited portrayal of beauty has held so many girls and women back from truly accepting and loving who they are.

2. Our mother’s words will always stay with us
Telling our daughters they are beautiful is something they will neverLupitaNyongo forget. The words will be there, helping empowerment and self-confidence start to bloom inside every young girl. Just as Lupita Nyong’o mentioned it was her mother’s words that she kept sacred in her heart and mind and that helped her advance to self-love and a better understanding of herself.

3. Shine bright like a diamond, even though you may feel like a dirt rock.
Learning to accept and love yourself allows your happiness to shine through even when there are dark clouds in your view. Never forget the bright light within you.

4. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words DO HURT.
We all know bullying doesn’t discriminate no matter your age, race or gender. We also know that the teasing and taunting can truly hurt.

5. Everyone can be an image of hope
Lupita mentioned that she never knew that one day, she would be a paragon of hope in someone else’s life. By just “showing up,” we can serve as an image of hope for someone in despair.

In closing, Lupita Nyong’o spirited the audience with the eloquent words to all girls around the world. “I hope my presence on your screens and in magazines may lead you, young girl, on a similar journey. That you will feel the validation of your external beauty but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside, that here is no shade in that beauty.”

Written By Catherine Okafor