(ThyBlackMan.com) So I get an anonymous email stating that I am “Patriarchy’s Bottom Bitch” because I promote submission. If we as women really understood the definition, beauty and power of submission there would be no need for rebellion. The fact of the matter is, submission is NOT slavery. As long ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What comes to your mind when you hear the word “ratchet”? Knock-off purses from the corner store, a “hot mess” in a public place, or, as society has conditioned us to describe, someone or something that can be relayed as “ghetto”? The word ratchet is loosely used in slang ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One of the truisms I have come to respect is this one: “You cannot effect change without putting some skin in the game.” Blacks are hurting as a race of people. There are the one per cent like, Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Jay Z, President Obama, Al Sharpton and others ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Anticipation is savoring the future, but there are two other ways to savor that will make creating something to look forward to all the more worthwhile: Savoring the moment and then reminiscing about it. Once you’ve spent time anticipating the experience, make sure you actually enjoy the experience. In ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The fiftieth anniversary of the monumental 1963 March on Washington was accompanied by the wave of commemorative events that tried hard to recapture the energy and the spirit of the 1963 March. This was a tall order. The original march punctuated by Dr. Martin Luther King’s towering “I Have ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Trayvon Martin will forever remain seventeen and George Zimmerman will remain a free man.  The blunt impact of these emotionally-charged finalities on the American soul has elicited discordant sighs of both grief and relief—dependent upon the one doing the sighing. A well-known proverb among prize fighters is, “every fighter ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) During the past year, we have watched monumental change take place all over the world; not just in terms of democracy, but in terms of culture, law, and politics, etc. Our major institutions have not been immune from this change that is sweeping across the globe.  There has been ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Back in the 1990s, the rapper Master P created a song called “Bout it Bout it.”  The song had a catchy chorus and helped him build his multi-million dollar musical empire.  I can’t say that I listen to Master P anymore, but I woke up thinking about his song ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The predictable happened as soon as the race of the three teens charged in the Oklahoma slaying of Christopher Lane, a young white Australian baseball player was known. Two are black. The cry immediately went up yet again that whites are in dire peril from being victimized, and likely ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Now wait. Before you say I am “selling you out”, I love black men. My husband is a black man, my father was a black man, my brother is a black man, and I’m raising two future black men. As much as I love black men and I will ...