Spare A Dime! Contribute To The Reduction Of Black Unemployment!

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( Recently the unemployment numbers were published for April. Those numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated the black unemployment rate was reduced from 13.3% to 13.2%. The national unemployment rate fell also from 7.6% to 7.5%, while white unemployment remained unchanged and well below double-digit rates at 6.7%.  America has waited almost “five years” for our president to come up with a national job creation plan that would pass both houses of Congress.

Black people in particular have watched the Congressional Black Caucus and black political pressure groups publicly run away from the issue of five years of double-digit black unemployment. They simply do not talk about it! They do not mention it! Except for the National Urban League and its annual State of Black America report, complete silence on the behalf  of governmental officials on the most important issue to Black America is deafening. 
The public has seen other issues speed to the top of this Administration’s agenda and get attention. Yet, there are those within the black community who say, wait…the Obama Administration will get to this issue. Theblack-unemployment-BlackMen Administration cannot be seen as being partial to blacks because it will scare away or disturb white supporters. Thus, black people wait! For those who are employed or have an independent means of income such as a retirement, it is easy for them to say, the unemployed, the underemployed and those affected by this downturn should continue to wait.

They are callous and do not understand when you are unable to pay your mortgage or rent, unable to keep up with your car payments and utility bills, unable to get adequate medical care, have to call your friends and relatives regularly to help you make it through yet another month of bills, it pains you to hear the word “wait.” Waiting is not a solution.  The word leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. How long do we have to wait? Will another year do it?

When you look out among black people, many appear to have adopted a strategy of complacency, as if that is a plan. It is as if many blacks have adjusted to double digit unemployment rates, declining wealth and increased housing foreclosures. The oppressive living conditions some black people are enduring are literally no way for a human being to live.  Black people are no different from any other people! We are for the most part, honorable, honest, hard working,  full of hope and ambition like everyone else.
The issue of black suffering needs to be highlighted, therefore spare the “dime” or rather $10.00 dollars, for the purchase of the book, “Hey, God’s … Talking to You The Study Book.” The reason you should do this, is that part of the proceeds from the purchase of this book will go toward the task of making black unemployment the mainstream issue that it should be. It takes money and devotion to get the nation’s attention, along with a well thought out marketing plan.

Why do this? Why put so much time and energy in this issue? Besides, being sensitive to the suffering of people, I have children caught up in this mess of unemployment, underemployment and part time work. Maybe you do too. Or maybe its you or a sister, brother, cousin or friend who is suffering. Unemployment and underemployment is so prevalent in the black community, everyone knows someone who is unemployed or underemployed. This is an issue that can be resolved. However, it will not be done without hard work and some capital investment on the part of black folks! Black unemployment and black underemployment can be made the number one issue of the next election cycle with your help!  
Now it is up to you and whether you are sincere and serious about your walk when it comes to this issue!  Together, we can force the discussion of black unemployment to the top of the television news cycles and to the top of our President’s agenda by using part of the money received from these book sales. Together  we can slow the vicious toll extremely high unemployment is taking upon our community, our children, families and people.

Now is the time! Spare the “dime” or rather $10.00 dollars, purchase “Hey…God’s Talking To You, The Study Book.” ( ) which features, among other topics, Same Sex Marriages Mock God, Should Women Be Pastors? and Should Pastors Own Churches? How strong an effort is mounted depends upon you. We can take our destiny with the help of Almighty God out of the hands of those who do not appear to have our best interest at heart and place it in the hands of people who care. Do you know who those people are? They are you and I! Buy “Hey… God’s Talking To You, The Study Book” today and become part of the solution. If enough of us get fed up, the “wait” will not be long

Staff Writer; James Davis

More information about JD and his Deficit Neutral Stimulus Plan Can be founded at

One may also pick up this “brother” latest book which is entitled; Hey…God’s Talking To You The Study Book.

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