(ThyBlackMan.com) Music. It’s that unifying medium that bonds people together who don’t even know each other, but because of the mutual love in their soul for that particular song, certified strangers are in actuality friends who have not met each other yet. Isn’t that a beautiful thing? The interesting thing ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In today’s still-struggling economy, many consumers find themselves short on cash. When consumers seek a credit remedy, one particular lender is likely to bring more problems than solutions: companies that make car title loans. For a list of reliable title loan companies check here https://www.facethered.com/online-title-loans/. According to new joint research ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If you negotiated a debt settlement in 2012 on the balance of your credit card account, you may surprised to find that you owe taxes on the debt that has been forgiven. The IRS views forgiven debt of $600 or more as taxable income and expects you to pay ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) You’re asking yourself “how do I get energy???” Does your energy level come crashing down at 3pm? Do you feel drained, eyelids starting to droop as the afternoon wears on? When fatigue drags you down, don’t look to a candy bar, cup of coffee, or energy drink for a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Although 8 years old, this article is still one of my favorites – and it still applies. Black folks need to change our conversation. For the past forty years most of our conversation has been about politics. Most of our efforts have been centered on politics. Reminiscent of Reconstruction, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “One picture,” Fred R. Bernard once aptly remarked, “Is worth a thousand words.” But, we need only a few words to describe an unsettling truth vividly depicted in the drawing shown here. On first glance this picture evokes visual images of cruelty, dehumanization, exploitation, racism, injustice, corruption, disenfranchisement, arbitrary ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The revelations by former Essence Magazine editor Constance White both intrigued and concerned me.  Not to say that I was surprised, but I admittedly long for the days when my friend Susan Taylor stood at the helm of the magazine, and Essence represented something black, extraordinary and authentic.  There was a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Dear Dr. Carson, I’d like to start off by saying that my mother loves you.  The fact is that had she not met my father, I might be your son.  You stand as a hero and champion to millions of people for your determined efforts to succeed in a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Courageous Tea Party Senator Rand Paul confirmed my statement that no one can foresee the future well enough to be totally fatalistic. Since the presidential election, discouraged patriots have been saying we have lost the country. Obama holds all the cards. All hope of restoring our country back to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The last few of years have tested our collective resilience – the economic downturn and layoffs have certainly taken their toll on a lot of individual lives. But even if you haven’t been a victim, it’s a safe bet you still know what it means to have a setback, ...