Tavis Smiley, Cornell West no more whining, lets inspire Black Kids…

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve been so aggressively out front in my criticism of Tavis Smiley and Cornel West that I decided that I needed to draft a formal statement explaining why I’ve embraced this issue so passionately – and by the way, I could also add Boyce Watkins to the mix, but he’s so anxious to play with the big dogs that at this point he might consider it a compliment. 

The primary problem that I have with Tavis Smiley and Cornel West has nothing to do with their criticism of President Obama, as they would have the world believe is the motivation of anyone who disagrees with them. The problem that I have with them is their selfishness and hypocrisy. They have a single-minded agenda of promoting their own interest at the expense of the Black community.  
In addition, I’m sick to death of so-called brothers who engage in and promote Black-on-Black hatred (bligotry). That’s been a blight on the Black communityInspire for over  400 years, so it’s past time for us to bring it to an end once and for all. So it’s both sickening, and embarrassing , that these so-called “brothers,” who profess to be enlightened intellectuals, are so steeped in hatred that they fail to recognize the historical stupidity of their behavior. Yeah, I know – “They’re merely speaking truth to power.”  The only problem with that claim is that they seem to have only found their tongues after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney left office.
Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and their supporters are suffering from a serious case of projection. They’re so fixated on the politics of Obama-hating that they’re completely oblivious to the gross stupidity of their behavior, and they insist that anyone who’s critical of them is merely an Obama cheerleader or defender, but that’s simply not the case. When my son and daughter were teenagers they had a phrase that perfectly summed up the allegations of these people – they’re stuck on stupid. Their criticism of Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the Black community’s growing antipathy towards these two. An ever-increasing number of Black people are critical of Tavis and West because we see through them, and we consider their behavior self-serving, counterproductive, and detrimental to the Black community – period.
Young Black people have heard enough whining. They need to be educated regarding who they are and what they represent, and then inspired to develop their full potential. That’s what the community should be focused on – that, and educating the community to be more politically astute in order to more effectively promote our political agenda. 
But Tavis Smiley and Cornel West are so fixated on their own self-interest that they’re completely ignoring that fact, and I suspect there are several reasons for that. First, they’re seeking the fame and fortune of being seen as the primary spokesmen for the Black community. Secondly, they have an intense hatred for Obama fueled by jealousy, envy, and the feeling that they’ve been snubbed. And finally, since Barack Obama has completely overshadowed them as president, their egos demand that they try to ride into history on his coattail as the people who “forced” Obama to do right by the people, which, of course, is ridiculous. So their actions have absolutely nothing to do with the poor; it’s all about promoting their own self-interest and soothing the pain of their wounded egos at the expense of the Black community. 
Anyone who needs clear evidence that their activities are self-serving, and have absolutely nothing to do with the well-being of the poor, need simply ask Tavis Smiley the following question – “Tavis, since you’re such a big promoter of ‘accountability’ and what’s in the best interest of the poor, were you accountable enough to the Black community to returned any of the millions of dollars that you made from the Wells Fargo “Ghetto Loans” scam to the poor Black people who lost their money and homes?” Personally, I’m not privy to any information suggesting whether Tavis Smiley did or not, but considering his character and greed, I feel completely comfortable saying, I doubt it.
In addition, as deluded as these two characters are, they should both have sense enough to recognize that the most important aspect of a young person’s ability to cope with adversity is their self-image. And one of the big differences between Black kids and others is, Jewish kids are taught that they’re “God’s chosen people,” and White American kids are taught that they’re the greatest thing to ever walk the Earth. But due primarily to people like Tavis and West, Black kids are being taught that they’re helpless victims whose well-being is in the hands of others – and since, we are what we think, that’s what our young people are becoming. So it’s time to stamp out that message, and correct that image.
But, of course, Tavis Smiley and Cornel West would simply glaze over everything that’s been said here and continue to repeat their mantra that they’re fighting for the people. But I don’t accept that for a minute. Again, what they’re actually fighting for is the very lucrative job of spokesmen for the Black community. Tavis Smiley has proven that a thousand times over with not only his involvement in Wells Fargo’s “Ghetto Loans” scam, but also with his association with a number of corporations that were members of ALEC, including Walmart. And as I’ve mentioned before, Cornel West’s mere association with Tavis Smiley gives him the credibility of a man running down the street ranting about fascism after just having lunch with Mussolini. 
So the Black community needs to bring this self-serving nonsense to an end – AND NOW! And we should start by boycotting everything, and everybody, associated with Tavis Smiley and Cornel West. 
Did you hear that Boyce Watkins? You think you want to run with the big dogs, but sooner rather than later the Black press is going to realize that they’re being unforgivably remiss and on the wrong side of history by not more aggressively covering this gross assault on the Black community. Once they recognize that fact, Dr. Watkins, you may find that you’ve latched on to the Titanic.

Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree

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