(ThyBlackMan.com) Note the parallels between the character Othello in Shakespeare’s play, Othello, and the public’s perception of O J Simpson. Whereas Othello was the beloved Black leader of the armies of Venice, O J Simpson was the most loved player in the game of football, the American team sport most ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As we approach the 2012 presidential election, I quietly ask myself: Regardless of who is elected, is black unemployment going to dip below 10% over the next four years? Is the prison industrial complex going to get any smaller? Are black teens going to continue to die from guns ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As little girls we all dream of the house, husband and picket white fence. We have that vision emblazed in our minds and we hold on to it well into our adult lives. Living, each day praying and hoping that true love comes. And for many of us true ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) With the presidential election right around the corner and most of the pundits saying the race is Obama’s to lose, I have begun to ponder the possibility that Mitt Romney might win and the impact that would have on the Black community. Mitt Romney has been polling around zero ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There came a point during the second presidential debate when President Obama calmly sipped his water and glared at Governor Romney not even pretending to mask his disdain for the man he had just painted as a corporate raider, a liar, and a sycophant who had no concept of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Look up the word ‘love’ in the dictionary.  For the most part it is defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.  However, to a man (or woman) when asked the definition of this word, rarely do we provide this generic answer.  Try it.  Text ten people ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Increasingly, I am hearing the following mantra/narrative from Black Christians. “I’m voting for Obama because he is the lesser of the two evils.” This is an extremely weak veiled attempt to justify their racism and loyalty to The Black Code (never side with a white against a fellow black). ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) So everyone is talking about the situation that occurred between the Brother that was driving the bus and the Sister that was a passenger, and I wanted to give my thoughts on the matter. I posted the link on both of my Facebook pages and I must say, the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) During this deep recession, and true to 400 years of Black history, we have a group of Black, Black haters and poverty pimps running all over the country selling their books, promoting their television and radio shows, elevating their speaking fees, and playing crabs-in-a-barrel by blaming President Obama for the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me start from the truthful beginning:  I love and respect Tavis Smiley and Cornel West immensely.  I don’t care who knows it, and I don’t care who gets mad.  I’ve had my differences with both men in the past, but I was taught that even if you admire ...