The City That Never Sleeps…. Can’t Because its Burning with STD’s!

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( New York City is known as the city that never sleeps. Maybe they should change it to the city were everybody sleeps…. around!

According to a new report from The NYC Dept of Health the city is experiencing a dramatic rise in the rates of sexually transmitted diseases. The spread of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis is through the roof in almost every one of the city’s neighborhoods.

The study found that of 181 NYC zip codes, 33% (60) are in the top quintile for multiple diseases. For example, zip code 10474 (Hunts Point, Bronx) has rates of hepatitis C, chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS in the top 20 percent.

Several zip codes are in the top quintile for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

In 20 zip codes, HIV/AIDS and syphilis are in the top quintile; 13 of these 20 zip codes are in Manhattan, in the neighborhoods of Chelsea-Clinton, Centralstds Harlem-Morningside Heights, East Harlem, Washington Heights-Inwood and Greenwich Village-SoHo. Only Staten Island had no high-morbidity zip codes the report states.

The study also revealed high rates of hepatitis B and tuberculosis in large foreign-born populations.

In Queens, 12 zip codes are in the top quintile for both hepatitis B and TB; these zip codes are in Flushing-Clearview, West Queens, Fresh Meadows, Bayside-Little Neck and Ridgewood- Forrest Hills. In six of these 12 zip codes, the majority of residents were born outside the US.

Brooklyn has three zip codes in the top quintile for hepatitis B and TB, each with a foreign-born population between 46-50%. These zip codes are in the neighborhoods of Sunset Park, Bensonhurst-Bayridge and Borough Park.

The city is reaping the results of its failed liberal/progressive social policies in regards to sexual health and lax immigration laws.

Its emphasis of promoting consequence-free sex is taking a toll on its population. The city allows anyone to openly view pornography at its public libraries. It performs more abortions, distributes more condoms, and has some of the most liberal sex education policies for public school-aged children in the nation. Which focuses more on sexual accommodation rather than sexual abstinence.

CATCH is one example of those horrific policies. It allows girls 18 and under to get the morning after pill from a school nurse without parental permission.

And as always… the very people they say they are trying to help, become disproportionately and horribly impacted by their idiotic polices. 6 of out every 10 babies conceived in NYC by black women and teenagers are aborted! And its 7 out of 10 for black teenage girls.

NYC has the highest rate of abortion in the U.S. 40%. Almost double the national average.

And now added to that the huge increases of STD’s. With many of those new increases coming from young people according to the CDC. Nationwide most of those are young black men who are gay or bisexual. With a lifetime cost totaling $400,000 for the treatment of HIV alone.

The City that never sleep is slowing killing itself!

Sadly city officials in NYC and other parts of the nation who push these progressive sex policies and keep encouraging risky infectious and sometimes deadly behavior, will never admit that their philosophy of “give more access to” has failed.

Just as the luciferian policies of supplying free needles to drug addicts produced morbid results. So too are the policies of supplying more contraceptives e.g. condoms, and abortions on demand to a sex-addicted culture is resulting in the same morbid results.

We as a society must have the courage to tell the truth about the consequences of laissez-faire sex policies. Especially to young people,who think youth is eternal, and can’t see beyond their 30’s. We must tell them about the scars that risky sexual behavior leave behind both physically and emotionally, some of these acts can result in contracting incurable diseases and even death.

Some risky sexual behaviors include:

Having multiple partners…Homosexual and Heterosexual.

Homosexual and Bisexual Sex

Bestiality, Incest

Nearly all of these involve frequent drug and alcohol use.

I know its not politically correct; but it is the truth. These risky behaviors are highlighted by the CDC and a plethora of social science studies.

If this epidemic continues; the greatest city on earth will no longer be called The Big Apple, but The Big Contagion.

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Staff Writer; Donald Thornton
Host of Xservativestalk – Talk Radio of The Future Today!
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