(ThyBlackMan.com) Rihanna stated that he beat her; Chris Brown beat her and left her to die. I guess she might have, and now has been reincarnated as a flo-ro-ho. Is that a word? Let’s do a double-take, because she took it there. For some reason, my thoughts just left me… Still trying to figure out the scene that Rihanna portrayed on ABC News, when she said that he beat her, and that she would never be with someone like Chris Brown again. Well, you heard that she is back with Chris Brown, right?
Not only did this young woman go out and get Chris Brown; she began having a sexual relationship with him and he has had the same girl on his  side (another chic) for a year.
Yes, Chris Brown moved on with his life and Rihanna wanted him back, because she saw that he was actually changing his life without her in it (however crazy it looked or seemed –he really was and is) and she had to get some of that. Point, blank and simple. Rihanna told the world that it was none of our business what she did with her n*****. So, my question is… will you be around as a fan when it goes down again (if it goes down again) the fight. The epic saga or another chapter that might just turn out okay. Perhaps she won’t become Tina Turner (on the cool).
She’s not that talented.
The article that is being written in real time is not favored toward this young lady. I know that and it should not be… because she went back and had no remorse for her own actions in the first ordeal. Now, Chris Brown is in a different place, and is treating her just like she acts and you only get what you give in life. It looks like she has given a lot that many do not want to deal with. Rihanna and Chris Brown is like grits that get hard and make you want to spit them out.
If Chris Brown knows what best for his life he would move on and make some lullabies of what could have been. Never go back. Never. I understand the track Beautiful People, but I also remember the track Rock, Paper, Scissors, your words. They must be true in order for you to make the best decisions for your life and the path that you are going on. Chris Brown and Rihanna have a lot of growing up to do – still and should do just that.
Staff Writer; atlas brown
Send More Hot Ent. Tips & Gossip info to; AtlasBrown@ThyBlackMan.com
I agree with the post also. Even the comments prove how bad of a decision their actions are. If they live each other they can try it again? NO! What for when nothing positive comes from it? They are both great stars on their own, Rihanna needs to get a therapist and work through her issues. And maybe chris too.
It really isn’t up to us to adamantly state what is right or wrong for them to do. I know I’ve made some ‘bad’ or ‘questionable’ decisions based off love but it is just the 2 people involved that really know all the details so who are we to judge? And TBM … get the facts straight before you go off spouting judgement on others … celebs or not …
CB wanted to be with Rihanna, see Rihanna, mess with Rihanna, spend time with her etc as much as Rihanna wanted him. And he was getting his life together and moving on and changing? If changing means cheating on ur current live-in gf with your ex gf and not even really taking too much effort to hide it … then …. ok. Plus .. didn’t he kiss HEr at the VMAs?? Noone is holding a gun to his or her head.
His CURRENT actions make me think Rihanna maybe needs to see things a little more clearly and move on but … again, we only know what the media shows us and who knows what is true or real or what is even really going on.
I’m not a super fan nor not a fan of either of them. I just have been through my own experiences and heartache and love and all that so … i just feel for the both of them and wish them both the best, together or not. It’s not easy to grow up, make mistakes, bear consequences and make confused decisions or go thru a heartbreak … it must be 100x harder to go through it all in the public eye and have people judging you all the time.
I don”t think its up to anyone to say who someone should or shouldn”t be with yes they are celebrity but they are also flawed humans just like everyone else so ppl need to take a step back and let these guys deal with their lives how they see fitting to them let them be happy in their private lives
i agree with this post 100%.
chris moved on with his life and was doing a whole lot better, when rihanna was/is stuck in the past and holding on.
she didnt like to see him happy with someone else and she went after chris and karrueches relationship
yes, chris brown beat her, but we dont know the full story. we dont know what really happened. rihanna never stated what SHE did (and i doubt it that she just sat there and let him beat her)
rihanna needs to move on and find other things and people that will make her happy.
and chris needs to get his shit together and stop playing games with rihanna, leading her on.
I agree with you Kim….I am tired of these stupid stories….Rihanna does not owe anybody any explanation, its her life. And if Chris is an ‘abuser’….why is it okay for him to date the unknown model and not Rihanna…if they love each other, they owe it to themselves to try again….?
I think you giys need lives, and need to leave these two alone