Ways to Respark Your Sex Life.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Keeping the spark alive in your marriage or relationship can prove difficult at times. Sometimes we’re tired or bored. Sometimes our libido just isn’t up to the challenge and sometimes it’s the sign of something much deeper. Whatever the problem, it’s time to take matters into your own hands if you’re worried about the rut and routine that your sexual relationship has fallen into. It’s not always easy, but using a few of these tips should get you feeling the love again and out of your rut in no time.

First start with yourself. Waning libidos can be encouraged with some exercise and eating right. You’re not likely to want to get busy when you’re feeling out of shape and weighed down by your food choices. Make a change and a choice to better yourself by putting your health first.  You’ll notice that you feel better, have more energy and more stamina. And as a bonus, your partner might be even more attracted to you and might do the same for themselves.

Secondly, just have sex. Sometimes we forget how much we need something when we stop having it. The simple act of having sex can recharge the two of you and motivate you to have more of it. But if the frequency isn’t the problem, keep reading.

If it’s the routine you’re sick of make an effort to change it. Try incorporating sex toys or adult movies into your bedroom routine. Get a toy from Adam & Eve that you can both enjoy and surprise your partner with it. Pick a movie with a theme that you’re interested in re-enacting and then put it on. Use different scenes as inspiration or a way to introduce new ideas to the two of you.

If you’re a woman, make an effort to dress up and really impress your partner. Get a new piece of lingerie and some sexy shoes. Do your hair and make up. Just go all out. Your partner will notice and immediately take the hint. If you’re a man, you should pamper your partner. Take them to get their nails and hair done. Maybe to get a massage. Make them feel special. Then surprise them with some lingerie.

Take your sex out of the bedroom. Move to different parts of the house, your car, a secluded spot outside or even a hotel room. Changing one element of your routine can change everything. It can inspire new positions, encourage dirty talk, and lessen inhibitions.

Speaking of dirty talk. Do you want to do it, but aren’t sure how to go about doing it? It’s simple, start with an erotic novel. You can both take turns reading steamy pages to each other. It will help you both get in the mood and get used to vocalizing sexy thoughts.

Finally, bring kissing back. Kissing is one of the most sensual things you can do and it seems to be one of the first things to go. Make a night of making out. Don’t even have sex, just remember what it was like to be a teenager and revel in the sensuality of making out. It will make you feel more in tune with each other and immensely turned on.