Recovery on the way.

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( For far too long, we’ve been hearing such gloom and doom reports on the economy, on housing, on efforts to end Medicare and Medicaid, as well as ending Obamacare –as those of us who support affordable health care for all learned to affectionately call it when others tried to make the word a negative.  As of late, all of these areas are looking up.

Some call the recovery a slow one, but hey, just like in sports, a win is a win!  We are hearing about recoveries in many important areas.  In all the polls, voters appear to be rejecting any talk of ending Medicare.

Finding the good
We have had 30 months of job growth. I see people smiling and finding the  good and praising it. I began to see the hope return during the recent Democratic Convention.  I saw it at the recent Awards Brunch of the National Congress of Black Women, where we were blessed to have our usual number of attendees.

I spoke to a group of mostly senior women a few days ago, and they were “fired up and ready to go.’’

I left their meeting and went on to Columbus, Ohio, where I spoke to a diverse audience.

New polls came out that highly favored the candidates they thought best capable of protecting their interests, and as I talk with friends, they appear to be eager to get to Nov. 6.

As I spoke for an NAACP luncheon recently that celebrated diversity, I thought about how some African-Americans ask, “Why should I join?  What have they done for me?” I shared my thoughts that, just as in the upcoming election when people ask, “What has my president, my senator or other representative done for me”, a more appropriate question sometimes is, “What are some of the negative things they have prevented from happening to me?”

We know historically that the NAACP has led in putting numerous laws in place to protect us, and has blocked lots of action that would have been detrimental.

We have a president who inherited massive problems that had to be repaired before being able to put parts of his agenda on which he campaigned into place. He had to get the car out of the ditch before he could put it into gear. He had to clear a lot of ground before he could build.

He faced the monumental task of keeping America safe from terrorist activity on our shores, of preventing a total collapse of the banking system, of saving the automobile industry, of preventing America from losing more jobs to other nations, of preventing students from having no health care, and of preventing many of our young people from having to drop out of school because Pell Grants were not sufficient or did not go far enough in paying their school fees.

Obama defies odds
Maybe he didn’t do everything he wanted to do—but as we judge his record, we must consider how he helped us to overcome many other challenges that were totally unexpected.

Still, one might need to look at some good ol’ home equity loans should they need that extra boost of expenses for their homes. Of course, like any other loan, you must learn how to keep your budgets and only choose what you can afford in order to prevent further debts and collateral damage in the future.

Every day that I open my eyes, I find instances that prove recovery is on the way despite the naysayers. So, when I hear a young woman like Tara Wall, who’s benefited greatly from the President’s efforts, as well as the efforts of organizations like the NAACP, my heart breaks to think of the selfishness she exhibits in diminishing those efforts.  Do you think she really believes she made it where she is on her own?

Written By Dr. E. Faye Williams

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