Beyonce’s tumblr Balancing Act.

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( More than her recording success, Beyonce’s greatest claim to fame is her ability to balance her stardom and celebrity status with her personal life.  Beloved by many, what strikes me is that she has managed to overcome and rise above all of the hype, idiot speculations (remember the baby bump stuff) and other negative aspects of fame. 

Despite all of the hits and criticisms, Beyonce’s image is one of grace and poise.  Kudos to her and her team!  She should hold a clinic especially for female entertainers and celebrities in controlling your image and maintaining sanity amidst all of the chaos that comes with fame. 

Beyonce has mastered public relations in a way that many should copy.  You rarely (if ever) read or hear about her involved in any scandals or other salacious situations.  She is consistently poised and does not allow herself to be dragged into any gossip or industry ‘beefs’.  Let’s face it, we don’t really know a whole lot about her personal life…most of it is speculation…but what we do know or see is positive.  Although family members and others around her have had their share of negative publicity (her Dad’s affair, her former Destiny Child members’ issues, etc.), Beyonce herself is never a victim to their issues. 

Even with all the hoopla surrounding the birth of her baby girl, Blue Ivy, and all the mania associated with her pregnancy and birth, Beyonce withstood it all with a maturity and detachment that others most certainly envy.  I love the fact that her marriage to Jay-Z has apparently weathered all the stones thrown in its path. 

What a testimony for black love conquering all.  She balances her life both professionally and personally by being very selective on what info she allows to come out and by controlling her image in the entertainment marketplace.  Who knows what the future holds for Beyonce?  Parenthood, marriage and business brings about all sorts of challenges for any of us, and even moreso with those in the public eye.  But I would venture to guess that she will handle it all with the same level-headed, mature, graceful poise that has become her trademark.  Beyonce makes us all believe that maintaining sanity in the face of all the craziness that is the music industry is indeed possible.  And to quote lyrics from her hit “Me, Myself and I”, she smartly realizes that “Me,myself,and I, That’s all I got in the end”.  And you are so right Beyonce, girl!  Keep that in mind and you will always be on top!

Staff Writer; NOLA_Diva
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