We Have Come Full Circle, We Can Now Openly Criticize Mr. Obama!

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Those of us who saw early, a President not fully engaged when it came to issues in the black community are grateful the rest of the country, including the black community, has finally caught up with us. You don’t see blacks jumping all over you anymore when you say this Administration has failed Black America because it has not come up with a meaningful national job creation plan. When it was unpopular to do so, there were many of us telling you about this President’s shortcomings months ago. Primarily, the question was and still is, when will he address the double-digit black unemployment rate.

Unemployment for May ratcheted back up to 8.2% from 8.1%. The black unemployment rate increased from 13.0% to 13.6%. Unemployment for black men increased from 13.6% to 14.2% and unemployment for black women  increased to 11.4% from 10.8%. If we have a President who is not feeling the power over blacks, he had experienced in the past, it is his own fault. It is his fault because he and his handlers have not reflected the desires of black people. Believe me, when I say, as this presidential contest narrows to November, this President and his team are going to want to feel the comfort of a large black voter turnout favorable to him. Therefore, this represents an opportunity for all of us and especially the black journalistic community, which did not in the past, have the courage to critique this President on a plan for job creation, to do so. They can help the community they serve by asking the right questions of this Administration. Where is your job creation plan? At end of the day, we as a people want and need solutions to the high unemployment rates vexing our communities.

Remember, when I told you this President was not going to run on the issue which was most important to the black community, job creation, but on the issue of rich versus poor. Remember my saying in an article written on this site, titled, “I Am Pissed And I Am Not Going To Take It Anymore,” the following: “It is appalling and worrisome to see what is occurring in our country. Democrats and Republicans are moving to polar opposites concerning opinions on job creation, budget reduction and taxes. Abandonment of the center, where any job creation plan will be resolved, dooms the unemployed to another horrific year of suffering. The blame for the jockeying to opposite poles can, in no small part, be laid at the doors of the leaders of both parties.

However, the greatest blame should be laid at the door of the President of the United States and his advisors. The Democratic and Republican Parties are responding in large part to an argument he and his advisors have advanced and pontificated. This argument is part of their re-election strategy. Look around you and listen to the rhetoric of the opposing factions of our country. It is a classical argument and no matter how long and hard we debate it, it will not be resolved in our lifetime. It is a red herring. It is the kind of argument you would create and watch combative parties go at it, knowing there are any number of counter arguments each can make endlessly. It is the argument of rich versus poor.”

Well, the President and his handlers have not been successful at making “rich versus poor” the argument of this campaign. The credit for this in large part goes to Mr. Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, and the current job statistics. Because of the President’s stance on gay marriages, which rattled many in the black community, many black journalists feel they now have an opening to pounce, and illuminate the other shortcomings of President Obama. That is okay with me, as this President has been neglectful when it comes to blacks.

One glaring example of his insensitivity occurred when Mr. Obama and his people slashed more than six months from the unemployment insurance benefits in a compromise with Republicans to get the non-job creating tax holiday bill passed. (See article titled, “Mr. Obama, Burdening The Black Community”) Several members of the Black Caucus voted against him and that bill. We in the black community know we are usually the first let go in a downturn and last hired in an upturn. Six months of unemployment compensation insurance can make a big difference.

However, as I stated at the beginning of this article, there is an opening for black journalists to begin hammering this Administration about job creation solutions. After all, I have no interest in continually pounding the most powerful man in the country with mistakes of the past when it comes to black people. My interest and I feel it should be the interest of everyone, especially black journalists, who have suddenly found courage to criticize this President, to start demanding the President and his team put a legitimate job creation plan on the table.

We still have time! If we have a job creation plan, and not just my plan, freely debated, especially in the give and take of a presidential campaign, we may later have an opportunity to see the passage of such a plan. My plan is found at http://www.sslumpsum.com or google, Jobs and Their Creation. Let us get started up in here! 

Staff Writer; James Davis

More information about JD and his Deficit Neutral Stimulus Plan Can be founded at http://www.sslumpsum.com.


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