(ThyBlackMan.com) Growing up some kids at one point and time will not be happy with decisions their parents feel is best. Parents are sometimes looked at as the enemy and the worst thing ever. Of course when this happens children miight storm out of the room, mumble and talk back if they have that much back bone.
When this happens parents have their own way of punishing their children when called for. Some believe in whippings, time out, confiscating phones, games and television. Some parents even take away the privilege of dating and playing outside depending on the child’s age.
Then you have some that are a little more non-traditional in teaching their kids a lesson. Lately in the media parents are giving kids that use social media incorrectly a taste of their own medicine.
Bestselling author ReShonda Tate Billingsley posted a Facebook picture of her daughter punishing her for abusing social media. The picture shows her daughter holding a sign for the camera that says:
“Since I want to post photos of me holding liquor, I am obviously not ready for social media and will be taking a hiatus until I learn what I should and should not post. Bye. Bye.”
Billingsley apparently is not the only parent that has discovered another way to punish their kids for unacceptable behavior online. One of the most famous social media punishments is that of Tommy Jordan. Jordan is the parent from North Carolina who is well known for pumping bullets from his .45 into his daughter’s laptop.
In the viral 8-minute video, Tommy Jordan shoots eight bullets from a .45 into his 15-year-old daughter’s laptop after she posted some disparaging remarks about her parents on Facebook. The video now has more than 26 million views, and Jordan wrote on his Facebook page that he wouldn’t change a thing about his actions.
Of course there have been disagreements regarding if parents should put their children on front-street. Surprisingly even the hard core, give-it-to-you straight Dr. Phil spoke out against Tommy Jordan’s actions. He expressed disappointment that Jordan humiliated his daughter in public, instead of privacy.
“You never, ever humiliate your child publicly,’’ psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw told TODAY’s Matt “You’re supposed to be the adult, the calm in the middle of the storm, where you say, OK, you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences. But this consequence was pretty radical.’’
Obviously Jordan and Billingsley are not the only parents using public humiliation as form of consequence when dealing with negative behavior. Michael Bell, Jr. a 7th grader from Miami was forced to stand on a street with a sign because of his poor grades and apparently choosing to clown in class.
“I don’t know any other way, I’m trying to reach him,” said Michael Bell Sr. “He doesn’t want to be reached and this is my last resort.”
Well apparently regardless of how one chooses to discipline their child everyone will not agree on their parenting style. In the end it will depend solely on the parent. Also as for children feeling that they have to the right blast their parents online maybe after seeing these stories they may think twice.
Is this form of punishment too much and do children have the right to say whatever they choose? What is your take on the issue?
Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell
I think we already polled this one.. and you’re about four months late on the uptake…