Ted Nugent, and NRA put on blast.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) By now we should all be fairly familiar with how certain media stories emerge onto various networks and into the public sphere. Someone says something really stupid. Media outlets pounce on the statement and quote it or replay it ad infinitum. Pundits (present company included) ‘appear’ on various networks and talk with news hosts or reporters about all of the reasons why the person in question should apologize, and to whom said person should apologize.

Maybe Nugent-gate is slightly different, but for the most part, his recent comments about “be(ing) dead or in jail by this time next year” if President Obama is re-elected, have followed this three-step process. In fact, even as I  write this, I am preparing to appear on MSNBC to speak about Mr. Nugent’s comments.

Although we may tire of the “how-to-handle-stupid-comments-in-the-public-sphere” process, Mr. Nugent’s comments are distinguishable; not necessarily by what he has said, but more so by the timing of the comments and, I might add, the asymmetry in apologetic responses by those on the right versus those on the left.

For example, when Hilary Rosen challenged Ann Romney’s labor bona fides, every spokesperson in the Obama camp (including the VP) immediately denounced and distanced themselves from Rosen’s comments. Many others on the left essentially apologized to all working mom’s and all stay-at-home moms — and rightly so.

But when Mr. Nugent exhorts NRA conference-goers to get their Braveheart on, or when he suggests that either suicide or an assassination plot are the only appropriate responses to President Obama’s re-election, we don’t ever get those kind of earnest mea culpas on the right — the kind of sincere apologetic responses that we have now become quite used to hearing from the left.

Senator Jim Inhofe doesn’t see anything wrong with Nugent’s comments and can’t believe how anyone could perceive his comments as a threat to the president.

Finish story over at; TheGrio – Ted Nugent NRA, etc.

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