Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum Yeah Wisconsin, The Last Stand.

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( It’s been a long Republican primary season. Launching with a debate in South Carolina in May of 2011 that was attended by two little-known candidates that would end up becoming stars of the Republican party almost overnight: Herman Cain and Rick Santorum, to now where it is all but certain Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee despite his constant primary losses in southern states where evangelicals question the religious leanings of the man from Massachusetts. It has all come down to this make or break moment despite many other make or break moments in the past. Wisconsin is the final frontier for Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum to galvanized their fevered bases and turn their fans into votes, as it is the final frontier for Mitt Romney to sweep Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington D.C. and finally lock up the Republican nomination for the Presidency.

What the candidates face is a mathematical fight against a delegate collecting beast. The magic number is 1,144. Mitt Romney is at 561, Rick Santorum  at 264, Newt Gingrich 135 and Ron Paul 71. Mitt Romney is closer to the  nomination goal post than any other candidate. He is for all intents and purposes the nominee even if Rick Santorum, Gingrich and Paul refuse to give up. But he is still the nominee the base of the Republican party is having a hard time accepting.

He is the “etch a sketch” candidate who will have to reposition himself in the general election to appeal to independent voters frustrated by President Obama’s mastery of politics that sometimes puts harm before his campaigned upon inherent good. But Mitt Romney’s repositioning will also alienate core Republican voters who have drifted more to the extreme right. In a general election Romney may get back some of the women voters he’s lost in the primary, but it will come at the cost of losing blood thirsty extremists who want that Presidency hijacking, government usurping Black man out of the Oval office.

So the question is… will today’s primary results mean the official start of the general election?

I think so.

Rick Santorum already said he wouldn’t mind being Romney’s V.P. if the offer was made. Mitt Romney needs a conservative to keep the South while appealing to moderates who are way less choleric than the base of the grand ole party. Newt Gingrich has conceded the primary race while still being able to remain as pompous as ever with as much hubris as he had when he was the only heavy weight candidate in the race. And Ron Paul, beloved though he may be, is better at effecting the change he wants as a Republican Congressman serving the great state of Texas where he is constantly re-elected than as a Presidential candidate whose campaign can never get off the ground.

Today’s primary races, especially in the delegate heavy Wisconsin, signal the start of the general election. The primary may slog on with more race dates, polls, delegate counts and speculation; but in the end we all know Mitt will say yes in August in Tampa.

So cheers to Mitt Romney & Co., he being the best candidate to win.

Now let’s all play a somber song of sorrow and loss for the candidates who while were well liked were not well loved. Maybe they’ll get a second change at being number 2.

What will Mitt Romney need to do to be a formidable opponent for President Obama?

Staff Writer; Nikesha Leeper

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