Ron Paul, Mitt Romney even in Polls against President Obama…

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( GOP presidential candidates Ron Paul and Mitt Romney stack up well against President Barack Obama, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll. Although neither candidate was able to defeat Mr. Obama in a hypothetical general election, both Ron Paul and Mitt Romney represent the Republican Party’s best shot at taking back the White House in 2012.

Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts Governor, tied Mr. Obama in a hypothetical general election with 48 percent of the votes each. Ron Paul, a Texas congressman, was bested by President Obama in a hypothetical election by 3 percentage points.

President Obama clobbered the other Republican presidential candidates in the hypothetical general election. President Obama defeated former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum by 8 percentage points and trounced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich by 12 percentage points.

During last Thursday’s Republican presidential debate in Florida, Ron Paul argued that he is candidate with the best shot of beating President Obama in the general election.

“We have some pretty good evidence that I’ll do quite well and have a better chance than the rest to beat him, because if you do a national poll, I do very, very well against President Obama,” Ron Paul posited.

“The freedom message in the Constitution is very appealing to everybody in all political beliefs because it includes free markets, which conservatives endorse, but it also protects civil liberties, the way people run their lives,” Ron Paul added.

Mitt Romney has always billed himself as the Republican Party’s most electable candidate in the November election.

“I will be able to convince the American people that someone with my experience is very different than Barack Obama,” Mitt Romney professed at CNN’s Republican presidential debate.

Despite their vastly different positions in the polls, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have the best chance of chalking up a victory for the Republican Party in November.

Mitt Romney and Ron Paul look to become GOP top man. Ron Paul and Mitt Romney both continue on their campaigns.

Ron Paul 2012 – Mitt Romney 2012.

Via AP