(ThyBlackMan.com) The 2012 Presidential Election may be the most defining political event of the 21st Century. Historians may differ, but it could well be our most important national election since Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr’s, in November 1932. In the absence of a dramatic improvement ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Race in America is a difficult subject. When it comes to race America has the mental maturity of a 7 year old that, on occasion will plug its ears with its fingers and sing “La, la, la.” Being American and Negro I understand this. I don’t really have any ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Unless Chris Christie has been in a secret presidential candidate camp for the last year, it’s just too late for him to start running for president. Ideally a candidate needs to decide two years before the first primary to run an effective campaign, one year earlier at the minimum. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Last week, one of the most controversial protests began in New York City. The protestors are talking about the applications of financial education. They are sleeping outside, they are being arrested, they are bringing attention to some very sensitive financial conversations and they just might be teaching us all ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Dr. Conrad Murray’s defense, his only real defense against the charge of involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson, is a simple one. He says that Jackson in effect killed himself. That he was so hopelessly drug addicted that he pumped himself up with the fatal drug or combination of drugs ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I am not angry at all about the execution of Troy Davis and can’t understand for the life of me why so many of us are when in every hearing on every level of the justice system, the conviction was upheld. Is it because it was another black man? Well, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Like any good self-proclaimed intellectual brotha, I’ve spewed a million and one theories and solutions for what ails the black community here. Of course, this all sounds great on paper (or in my case, your tablet), but in the real world, there are very few easy fixes for chronic ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is on fire these days. The former pizza mogul-turned-presidential hopeful scored an impressive first place showing in the recent Presidency 5 straw poll in Florida. Coming from the bottom of the heap of the GOP pack to number one is no easy feat. But ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) African Americans are the least likely to acknowledge they are depressed. Two important factors account for depression in the black community including economic and cultural impoverishment. The Full Circle Life Enrichment Center, a not-for profit organization, based in New York, educates African American families about mental health disease and treatment ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Hard to imagine it was just four years ago that pundits across the globe were slinging harsh and vilifying attacks against Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe. They asserted that Mugabe under the banner of populism and black sovereignty had run and was continuing to run the country’s economy into the ground. ...
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