Brunch Anyone?

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( I want to know why folks are trying to starve the babies.  Okay that may be a little over the top, but seriously what were they thinking?

Let me just start by saying that when growing up and attending school in the 70’s and the 80’s one thing was certain, breakfast was breakfast and lunch was lunch.  Breakfast was held before 9am and lunch was served after eleven. 

Well I suppose things have changed.  Today some school districts in certain parts of the country are doing things differently.  Today lunch is served in the  place of breakfast and breakfast seems to be non-existent.   Schools in Florida are serving breakfast at 9:30 in the morning.  Yes you read it right.  9:30 in the AM!  At least 60 schools in Florida have received waivers from the Florida Department of Education to bypass a federal mandate requiring schools to serve lunch between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so they can offer lunch as early as 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning.

As a mother I am trying to digest this concept.  As I attempt to take it all in, a few questions and concerns are running through my mind.  One main question seems to stick out in my mind more than others.  Why so early? 

According to the, NBC Today reported that the new breakfast schedule was implemented due to schools starting earlier.  In some areas school start as early as 7am and from what I have read, neither the parents nor kids are too thrilled about this decision.

Okay maybe I guess I can understand the rationale behind this thinking.  Hmmm, on second thought I can’t.  I’m sorry I can’t help it.  It’s the mommy in me coming out.  I simply cannot understand why breakfast is not offered to students?  For instance, how about serving breakfast in the classroom?  Is this idea too farfetched or impossible to achieve? 

Apparently not, since it appears that California schools are now using this as an option and allowing students to eat in the classroom.  California school districts believe there is an added advantage to eating breakfast in the classroom.  Unlike Florida’s administrators that have chosen to skip the normal lunch schedule all together, the Florida school system is finding that they are feeding more students by changing where and when they eat. 

Compton Unified officials said full bellies have brought several benefits: More breakfast participation has allowed schools to maximize their resources and receive greater federal reimbursements. Student attendance and performance have improved and school nurses are treating fewer students for stomachaches.

Wow that sounds like a winner to me.  Now I’m no expert on nutrition and I am not medical savvy.  But I do know this.  Serving lunch at 9:30 in the morning and forcing children to go the rest of the day without a meal is crazy to me and it does not make much sense. 

I say this to the Florida School Districts if you are going to stick to this plan maybe you should also implement a few other changes along with it.  Try California’s option and see how that works for you.  Maybe you should consider offering a midday snack such as fruit, granola bars or yogurt to give the students a little pick me up until they are able to make it home.  Better yet, how about changing back to the old way of serving breakfast at a decent time?

Hey if I am wrong let me know.  Feel free to leave your comments below.

Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell

For more writings by this sista feel free to visit; SoulXPosed2U.