If You’re Outspoken Against Obama… You Might Be a Racist!

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Metaphorically speaking, it’s been a good year for racism since President Obama’s been in office.  It has evolved into a subtle subterfuge of sly innuendo and inference with highlights of classic era/error and flat out bravado!  The latter is naturally easy to spot.  All you need do is look at the Republican presidential candidate Perry’s choice in recreational clubs – rife with a racial epithet in its title.  Such discoveries are the thinly-veiled mark of racist attitudes that still mar the face ofAmericaacross its landscape.

But the former – the transformation of bigotry into thickly-veiled commentary feels entirely new.  President Obama has been called a communist and socialist – invoking unfounded links to Stalin and other villains of history to literally  scare up opposition and conservative support.  You need look no further than Mr. Monday Night ‘Are You Ready for Some’ Football’s recent comparison of his black president to Hitler.

When asked to elaborate, Randy Williams, Jr. attempted to explain his reasoning behind the analogy and backed it up by saying that he has “always respected the office of the president.”  Of course you do, Hank!  But as such comparisons and claims have become rampant during this particular president’s term, I can’t help but wonder what’s behind such drastic statements.  They simply resonate with an echoed sentiment of racisms hallowed institution.  What are people REALLY trying to say regarding their disdain for President Obama?  Could it be that they are substituting a deeper seeded disgust towards his ethnicity for a more politically correct way to express it?

Scripture tells me that no man knows the heart of another – none can discern and judge such a matter except the Lord Himself. 

‘But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him:  for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.’

– 1 Samuel 16:7

‘The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable.’ – Proverbs 25:3

But as a black man inAmerica, it’s hard for me not to wonder about those voting constituents who vehemently oppose OUR president.  It’s hard not to take a red-necked stance a la Hank Williams, Jr. and his compatriot Jeff Foxworthy as I proclaim…:

If you’re outspoken against Obama… you might be a racist!

Now obviously, I can’t make such a sweeping generalization and call it a valid observation but my flesh can’t help but have this knee-jerk reaction when I hear such unfounded and ridiculous excuses to hate President Obama and his entire administration.  Call and blame it on the paranoia of a generation before me who experienced the very direct racism of Americans – Americans who have been forced to swallow Southern pride in a more tolerant and moderate world.  American who, when the very thought of a legitimate run by a black candidate materialized in Iowa four years ago, couldn’t help but regurgitate words of hate that they’d swallowed for so long.

I know these Americans are still out there, they didn’t just disappear or die off but have been dormant and festering – waiting and evolving their brand of hatred to plague the world once again.  So, yes – in my awareness of this growing tide, I’ve become susceptibly suspicious of the true intentions behind anyone who opposes President Obama.  I have become an infected product of my American environment.  As I, and many other African-Americans, judge individuals based on their outward appearance and actions have become a fruitful product of racism.

’Ye shall know them by their fruits.  DO men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?’ – Matthew 7:16

‘A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.’

– Luke 6:45

http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/ESPN-pulls-intro-after-Williams-Obama-comments-100311?GT1=39002 (—–

Staff Writer; Reggie Legend

Can find more about this writer over at;  http://www.steelwaterspoetry.com

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