(ThyBlackMan.com) I really dreaded this weekend leading up to the 10th anniversary of the day of the attacks on NYC and the Pentagon and the tragic crash of the plane in PA. I knew that the media was going to go full tilt with the remembrances, clips interviews, etc. and make pretty much make watching the news and television over the weekend unbearable.
I like many NY’ers woke up to a nightmare that just kept going on September 11, 2001. Each time I walked by in lower Manhattan, or looked at financial plaza from the Brooklyn side of the river the nightmare rekindled and the feeling of something not being quite right permeated the view. I had no personal need to relive that day and the days immediately afterward every year ad infinitum. While I respect the memorialization of those who gave and lost their lives on that day and the days following, I just did not need to watch the movie, the tv show, the reality show etc.
So I was completely unprepared for the level of depravity exhibited by the Herman Cain campaign in creating a video montage of clips from the WTC attacks, which includes live footage of both planes hitting the towers and images of fallen firefighters being taken out of the wreckage including Father Mychal Judge the first certified fatality of that September 11th. No but why is this man, Mr. Cain (I use the term Mister very loosely) singing God Bless America in the background?
I am so stunned that I could for a moment not write nor speak. The absolute depravity that would allow someone to view that and think it would be a good idea to use as a CAMPAIGN video defies all known logic.
The images from that video of the scenes from that day both the live shots and the stills, are moments in time that are not campaign fodder. I would like to know how the families of some of the people in this montage feel about being included in a campaign video? For a used-to-be pizza tycoon?
See I like most know there are despicable, craven and opportunistic assholes in this world, heck I’ve even run into a few every now and again. But this by far takes the absolute cake and brings a whole new level of fuggery to mind.
I know with society the way it is right now the word sacrosanct does not carry much meaning. Many of you reading this might have to go look it up to figure out what I am talking about. These images and that day would fall into that area. To exploit these images for personal gain – for your campaign?
If he were any lower he could play handball off the side of a penny.
Can’t even blame Republicans, or the GOP for that although they set the tone for the 9/11 perverse jingoism.
Methinks – in this instance, they have gone way too far.
Footnote: I am not linking to this video – it is on YouTube if you wish to see it I am sure you will be able to find it easily enough. For those of you that are search challenged there is an article that has it embedded you can go here to view that article and the video.
Staff Writer; Alinda Pete
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Shame on him and whomever told him that was a good idea.
Some of us here on the upper east side feel exactly the same way. What a shameless & despicable way to exploit OUR tragedy for the benefit of image!
To add insult to injury, when the comments & ratings came back OVERWHELMINGLY NEGATIVE he simply DISABLED COMMENTS AND RATINGS!
Shame on you Mr. Cain!