Ron Paul, Libertarians & Anti-Politicians, etc…

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( Ok I am just now coming up for air after the onslaught that was borne out of the aftermath of my article on Ron Paul being like a favorite uncle. ( Click here ) Well my email box has been blitzed and is still recuperating.

While the majority of the responses have been positive, theres some negativity to be addressed (this is a two-parter). But before i can even do that let me just give a quick thanks to Mr. Paul and his supporters who have been much more well behaved than their counterparts with other party affiliations.

I got quite a few emails and had several conversations where the topic centered around what the heck is a Libertarian, and so some digging and research was in order.

Heading over to the site ran into this taken from their preamble:

            The world we seek to build is one where individuals seek to follow their own dreams in their own ways without interference from government or any authoritarian.


Say What?

                        We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives and live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they don’t forcibly interfere with the rights of others.

Get Out – Really?  No but wait it gets better,

            Personal Responsibility

                        “Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves, and accept the consequences for the choices they make”

Hmm I’m gonna need for some of you Libertarians to chime in or speak up on this. Quite frankly, to be honest too much is at stake not to open a dialog to discuss the party’s platform and in particularly the GOP’s current Presidential candidate, Mr. Ron Paul.

Contrary to popular myth belief there are actually people of color who put a lot of thought and consideration into who they vote for and what party they support if any and why.

Blind allegiance is for the dumb and blind faith is for the religious. When contemplating how best to use your vote and make your voice heard choise wisely takes on a whole new meaning.

However for reasons I have yet to identify, there hasn’t been much discussion about the Libertarian party and its principles and i have yet to meet an actual black libertarian. Yes i know you are out there my email won’t stop going off right now because of some of you.

Reading through the party platform and information one can see why, for the most part they have been under the radar. Many of the policies espoused by the party fly completely in the face of the two major parties and the lobbyists, and corporations that feed them.

Individual freedoms and rights, reduced government interference and personal responsibility, why do these things sound so familiar?

Staff Writer; Alinda Pete

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