Julian Gibson; In Defense of Michele Bachmann…

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, critics of Congreswomen Bachmann have ran wild with the theory that her clinic which she co-owns with her husband is some how “flaky” because they offer treatment to gay men who want to go straight. Why is it so insane to think that while everyone should respect each other’s choices, somehow you are a radical if you want to change your mind about your personal ” lifestyle choices”?

The liberals really sound like Big brother on this one. The private clinical treatment center was supposedly exposed by a man claiming to be gay but seeking treatment to return to a straight lifestyle.

He secretly videotaped private sessions and then claimed to be so offended with the results or methodology of the treatment that he had to run to CNN and show the world how arcane the Bachmann’s are. First of all, let me state that everyone has the right to live their life how they choose but others do have an equal right to disagree with it.

This is especially true for members of the faith who are only practicing their religous beliefs by taking a stance not of intolerance, but devotion to their  values. The same equality the members of the LGBT movement desire goes “both ways so to speak”, no pun or offense intended. We all have freedom of speech but more importantly, we have freedom of religion and no news station or government law has the right to infringe on your right to your religous beliefs.

Michele Bachmann has also come under fire for signing a marriage vow pledge which stating their constitutionally protected view that African-American children had a better chance of growing up in a two parent home during the slavery era of 1860 then in today’s America.

While I will say these statements were made in poor taste, it was the special interest group who made the statement not Bachmann. Why is it that every time a Conservative like Newt Gingrich or Bachmann makes a statement about the state of Black America, the liberals scoff and dismiss their right to have an opinion.

The liberals were quick to claim that slavery tore apart black families which is certainly true, but some slaves actually bought their freedom as well as the freedom of their wives and children and secondly; an institution like slavery lasted nearly five centuries.

During this time there were vast changes in social policy and slave culture, what is sad is none of these liberals took the time to admit that this Administration has gone out of its way to dip and dodge issues like Black Unemployment, Mass Incarceration and gang violence. These dismissals are a thinly veiled attempt at painting Bachmann who has repeatedly stated she is against the ideal of physical and economic slavery, as an extremist who would be crazy if elected.

This is also a clear shot at conservatives for defending their right to “not agree” with the idea of same sex marriage. Why does it always seem, okay for liberals to stand up for their principles, but anyone who disagrees with them is on the fringe? We are all entitled to free speech in this country whether it’s agreeable, insensitive or unapologetic. Has anyone taken the time to think whether or not the issues of black families really are being neglected by the White House?

The President has repeatedly stated that when he took office and promised change, he never said it would be easy. He stated as Senator Obama that he wasn’t against all wars, just “dumb wars” but proceeded to raise troop levels the same weekend as accepting the Nobel Prize. We cannot as a black or for that matter American community grant Obama special treatment and place him above reproach.

As I have seen it, Mrs. Bachmann has made no missteps other than a historical inaccuracy from time to time and the mistake of signing a document before having it fully proofread- a mistake the former CFO of Facebook also made. Ask any graduate student about economic bondage or any person who worked in the 1920’s.

Liberals are naive enough to think they can ram-rod their issues while protecting their chief voters-minorities. When Bachmann speaks of economic slavery or bondage as she prefers to call it, the left scoffs but isn’t America in a dogfight right now over the issue over raising the debt-ceiling to borrow more money from our good Chinese friends?

As for the historical missteps, I would challenge any liberal politician or pundit to name all the signers of the Deceleration off the top of their head, on the spot without the clever crutch of Google. Republicans may have some PR issues with minorities but that may have more to do with how they are painted then their own actual views.

Why is it that the left feels they have a trademark on the pulse of Black America? Every time the issue of race comes up, we see left wing channels like Msnbc parade on a bunch of their “black friends” and despise the audacity of the GOP for even discussing anything to do with slavery or Black Americans.

I feel the liberals should focus on the fact that black children still are having their fathers ripped out of the home; but today it’s off to prison many times instead the plantation. With the incarceration rate steadily climbing it is obvious that the dysfunction found in many minority homes affects all of America.

Broken homes can lead to abuse, drug addiction, obesity, poor education standards and crime. While history teaches us that these issues are not race specific but more of a socio-economic issue, it seems as if minority communities are lacking the protection and representation their stand up leaders like the “honorable” Charlie Rangel promise on the campaign trail.

I know, I know good –old Charlie marched during the struggle so he should get a pass, but it looks to me like we are still struggling, so it may be time to march again and leave Bachmann alone for only speaking her mind; a thing we all have a right to do.

Staff Writer; Julian Gibson

This talented brother is also founder of; Hip Hop Patriots and host of an online radio show; http://goo.gl/rji7t.

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