Alinda Pete; Pause Black Man, Black Woman…

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( It’s asking a lot I know, but if you want something, you have to ask for it. 

Can we pause for a day? A week to pause would be better. However, we have to start somewhere.

Just one day where single moms are not being all lumped together and ostracized as a body when they are individuals and their circumstances and how they came to BE single parents are just as individual as they are.  Making a business decision or choosing what color to paint the walls is not even in the same category or even uses the same part of the brain to process as – am “I going to sleep with this person.”

I wonder how many people are capable of discussing quantum physics during a heated make out session?   (hint: this is NOT a gender specific question)

Can we pause on the attacks on single black females who are getting it from all sides.  Some women actually want to BE single. It is a Choice  – def.  an act or instance of choosing;  selection. Why they choose is besides the point. We all as adults supposedly are supposed to make choices based on what’s best for us. If a female chooses to be single don’t assume she’s defective, gold-digging, mentally unbalanced etc. If a female doesn’t have a husband or a man this does NOT minimize who she is or what she has accomplished.

Can we pause on the attacks on the brothers who just might not be driving that Porsche or Bentley, but are trying to live life right and do all the right things.  What he drives has no bearing on who he is. Focusing on the superficial and “outward trappings” ensures you miss out on WHO the person is. The things you need to know about that brother stopped for a traffic light are not going to show themselves to you while he’s sitting in  his car in the next lane from yours.

Can we pause from the attacks on the President of the United States and whether he’s black enough or has adequately addressed the issues of the black community since taking office. Frankly the time and energy being spent in casting aspersions, setting up televised debates, air time spent etc. in taking down this president because he has not address the “black agenda” could have  if focused on finding solutions probably solved at least one or two. 

The presidency of this country has been established for over 200 years. It was not invented by a black man of bi-racial parentage.  The structure of government is as  created by the founding fathers who’s intention was that no one branch would have unfair advantage over the other.  The branches have to work together to solve problems and enact legislation. That is not happening right now. Instead previous valuable time , energy, dollars are being spent on pointing fingers – and discussing who is at fault for this. 

Meanwhile unemployment in our communities continues to skyrocket, the educational system in most of our communities continues to be decimated.  All this power and energy, all these great minds called forth to discuss who is at fault – that could be instead coming up with solutions.  It apparently is however more profitable to complain about things than it is to solve them.

Staff Writer; Alinda Pete

For more articles feel free to visit; The Good Black Woman.

One may also connect with this talented sister via twitter; BlkPhoenix66.