Anatomy of an Urban Influencer (Infographic)…

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( This week, we were able to add to the experience of what has already been an exciting history for we were featured on a panel on social media and urban influencers.

Between soaking in our co-panelist, Reverend Run’s Words of Wisdom and sharing much of our own, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. 

We pointed out: 
1. An authentic experience is the ONLY experience when it comes to social. 
2. Video is happening right NOW. 
3. Don’t give me free stuff and expect me to sell it for you. 
4. Rev’s Adidas are indeed crisp-fresh-out-the-box. 
If you were there, I’d bet money you were Tweeting; since over 600 tweets and over 1.2 million impressions on twitter hitting over 209,000 members of the Twitter community.

Or perhaps you watched via Ustream: there were 245 unique viewers watching over 200 hours of video. That’s alotta eyes. 

Either way, you were part of one powerful body. And all of this body and segmentation stuff inspired us to create an infographic (seriously).
Check out the key elements that make up the anatomy of an influencer. And after you’ve done that, share it with at least 5 people
Sorry, we can’t promise a blessing but it will make us happy if you comply. 
Go ahead: Tweet. Like. Share. Blog. 
And if you feel so inclined, hit us up. We’re so much more fun in person.

We’ll have the video of the chat up soon in case you missed it. 

 MORE Info:
MSLGROUP, one of the world’s leading social engagement firms, and its strategic diversity partner, Egami Consulting Group, this week held the second installment of their Urban Works: Urban Influencer 360 Panel Series. Taking place on March 29, 2011, the panel was streamed live on Global Grind and, and discussed the emerging social media and digital trends affecting urban consumers. Collaborating with Influential1s, a newly launched online resource showcasing multicultural thought leaders within social media, the attendees included leading multicultural bloggers, marketing professionals, and brands.
Moderated by Teneshia Warner, CEO, Egami Consulting, and Dupe Ajayi, Co-Founder, Influential1s, the event panelists included hip hop legend and celebrity tweet mogul Rev Run, social media strategists Mike Street and Corvida Raven, Demetria Lucas, Relationship Editor, Essence, Magazine, Reggie Osse, Managing Online Editor, Source Magazine and Michael Presson, Senior Vice President Digital, MSL New York.

Without a doubt, last night’s attendees gained profound insights into how to develop authentic two-way communication with the urban consumer,” said Warner.

As the urban consumer consistently outranks other minority groups in the rate of digital and social media adoption, the event revealed how best to leverage these platforms to reach those audiences and stakeholders. Key takeaways from the panel include the importance of remaining authentic, transparent and integrating trusted key influencers and bloggers in their campaigns when targeting urban consumers. According to Raven, the most effective campaigns are natural, something consumers can easily identify with, and share among their peer networks.

In today’s always-on conversation economy, digital and social media strategy is critical for real-time engagement within all markets, but remains an area of still untapped opportunity within the urban market,” said Caryn Carmer, Senior Vice President, MSL New York. “The Urban Influencer Panel Series is a testament to the strength of the MSLGROUP and Egami partnership, and our commitment to diversity.”

 – Mike Street and Dupe Ajayi

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