The Ultimate Men’s Guide to Buying Air Compressors.

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( Did you know that the North America Air Compressor Market generated $4,475 million in 2016? The range and application of air compressors are truly broad.

If you are looking to use air compression in your business, you will want to choose a model that has both the power and functionality to meet your needs.

Buying air compressors does not have to be intimidating. Welcome to our ultimate guide to buying air compressors.

1 – What Will You Use the Air Compressor For?

It might sound simple, but air compressors can accomplish a broad range of tasks and thus are constructed differently. A person who is looking to power industrial machinery will need a different compressor to a person that is simply looking to pump up a flat tire.

To make the best decision regarding your air compressor, you need to carefully consider the work at hand. What and where you will use it.

2 – How Powerful Should it Be?

The power of an air compressor is generally measured in HP or Horse-Power. Commonly the power of general use air compressors is 1.5-6.5 HP. This is a general guideline only as larger machinery requires a greater HP than this.

In more specific terms CFM, or cubic feet per minute, is the measurement of overall air volume generated.

What does this mean in real terms? If you are looking to use your air compressor to power a Brad Nailer, you may only need as much as 2 cfm. Alternatively, if you are planning to operate a Jackhammer, you may need as much as 115 cfm.

Choosing a compressor that is under-powered for the task at hand can cause problems. You may simply not be able to power it, or you may find that it cannot compress air quickly enough.

You may need to stop working to allow for the tank to fill up. Not good if you are working on time-sensitive projects.

3 – Large or Small?

Before you decide on your purchase you need to consider practically where you will use the compressor.

For example, you may need a high-powered air compressor, but need to use it in high working locations, such as roofs. Will you be able to lift a heavy compressor on to the roof?

Fortunately, air compressors come in all shapes and sizes. Even compressors that are small in size can pack the punch that you need, whilst retaining portability.

4 – What Power Sources are Available?

You may plan to fix your air compressor in a workplace with 110V power always available. Alternative you may need a mobile unit that requires no electricity at all.

Fortunately, technology can meet either need. Modern air compressors can work from petrol, diesel or even battery power. Battery powered compressors are typically used for inflation of tires and other household items.

To make the right decision, think carefully of the power requirements of the job at hands and the power available in its place of work.

Buying Air Compressors and So Much More

Buying air compressors is just one subject that requires serious consideration.

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Staff Writer; Rick Shaw