The Things We Forget But Really Shouldn’t.

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(ThyBlackMan.comAs we go through life, there are a million and one things that you have to do and remember, and no matter how organized a person is – there will always be something that falls through the cracks. The goal is to make sure that what is forgotten isn’t one of the most important things.

Here are four things that shouldn’t be forgotten but quite often are.

The Legal Stuff.

Let’s start with the boring things – the things that you don’t want to do are more likely to be the things that get shoved to the back of your mind and forgotten about. Tax forms, insurance documents, visa applications – there are so many things that have to be filled out and applied for in this day and age that it’s hard to keep up. But there is help at hand; for things like visas you can find help in places like an h1b visa attorney. For insurance, you just have to set a reminder (on your phone or in your diary) to remember to renew it. And for things like your taxes, you can always get the help of an accountant.

The People Stuff

Now that the paperwork is out of the way, it’s time to focus on the people in your life. Whether it’s a family member, a friend or a stranger you should always treat them the same. Forgetting your manners happens so often and so easily – when you’re busy or stressed it is much easier to sound your horn and the woman with her stroller crossing the road, or to ignore the invitation to dinner from a neighbor. You may read this and think ‘I don’t do that’, and if you can sit back and say that you have never slipped with your manners then move on to the next point! But if you know that you have, it’s a simple remedy – just take your time to say thank you, to allow that mother to cross at her pace, and to spend time with friends. Being kind and patient is all about allowing others to be themselves, and you appreciate that.

The ‘Me’ Stuff

Now that your life is in order, and you are looking after the people around you, it’s time to think about you. It might be a strange concept, but looking after yourself is more important than anything; how do you expect to look after others if you are half-dead with exhaustion, or over-run with things to do? Looking after yourself can be as simple as taking half an hour to soak in the tub without interruption, or as long as a spa weekend. You can buy yourself a new pair of shoes, or start exercising more. Whether you are looking after yourself physically, mentally, or with the help of retail therapy – it is as important as filling in your taxes on time.

Staff Writer; Larry Day