(ThyBlackMan.com) The plight of African Americans were put on the world’s stage by the group Black Lives Matter. It seems their mission is based on justice for those who are harassed and mistreated by police, which is an admirable endeavor to pursue. Those who support the organization say the organization is about curbing violence against black and brown people.
A former Chicago Police Superintendent, however, says that crime has become greater since Black Lives Matter began to take root in this country.
Who can contest that statement? Ever since BLM has come on the scene to protest police brutality against African Americans, America has become more separate than ever, All Lives CANT Matter, police have been on the defense…but black on black crime is never ceasing, especially in Chicago.
Does Black Lives Matter think that bullying the country will get them what they desire?
On a website (there were a few websites dedicated to BLM) regarding the policy demands from Black Lives Matter there were demands that ranged anywhere for a demand for reparations for past and current harm doing, to the demand for investing in black people’s education, health and safety of black people.
The Black Lives Matter organization is a great way for blacks to come together and brainstorm on how to better their community, but my question is, “Why haven’t these changes taken place long before there was a Trayvon Martin?”
Why does the government have to help the black community, when,a s the website says, there’s strength in numbers? If there are thousands of BLM supporters, why not have them to make the changes tot heir community that they desire? It’s like an HBCU approaching the government for funding for a school built for and by black people. What’s wrong with doing it yourselves, if the whole point of protesting and writing about potential policy changes are to empower blacks to rise up and be more self-sufficient and independent of a government that keeps them marginalized?
Another statement that caught my eye on the website was regarding the decriminalization of criminal activity, because apparently, we all know blacks just can’t stay away from the thug life, so why not make it okay for blacks to do what they so value?
Whatever is of value, including values, are desecrated by those in the community, and it’s always made known public that that’s how we communicate with one another.
Human beings have value, but all that is seen and heard from the black community in conversation, song and media is derogatory to the point where its commonplace to feel comfortable calling blacks niggas, bitches, hoes, dogs, sluts, thots, anything but man or woman.
Black women, the heads of the majority of black households, publicly call each other bitch yet demand apologizes for what they consider racism, cultural appropriation and being marginalized in society.
Black men still don’t care about individualism or ceasing the glorification of crime and street life to the youth as the normal way to grow up as a black man.
Because there’s been generations of dysfunction and a lack of a moral code, the black community has set its standards to match their own more code they’ve grown accustomed to which is unhealthy, and in some cases, evil..the lesser power.
My worry is that this whole Black Lives Matter movement will end just like the black panthers movement, with the whole organization crumbling down due to dysfunction and (hopefully not) illegal activity…and for not cleaning their house before opening the door and telling everyone to look what damage was done to them.
The black community is the home of black people. Let’s clean it up so it doesn’t look like the majority of African American neighborhoods. We’re trying to prove a point, right?
One of the activists have already been arrested for felony lynching, ironically.
Time will tell.
Staff Writer; Celeste Writer
Official website; http://celestewriter.com/
If BLM is so much for black people, where are they regarding abortion which kills more blacks than cancer, AIDS, police brutality and black on black crime combined. BLM where are you in topping the killing in Chicago
There are at least 3 BLM groups. Most of them are ignorant racists who want to blame white people and police for all of their problems. While I do know for a fact that police brutality is rampant just as racism is, I do not see black people stepping up to be responsible parents, stop smoking weed, stop carrying illegal guns etc. Its not all on white people or the police.