Lavar Ball – My Thoughts.

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( Over this past year, many people in this country have been very interested in a guy named Lavar Ball that has said some of the most outlandish, ignorant, and very arrogant things in colonial media that has him liked and reviled by many people across the country.

When I look at a guy like a Lavar Ball, I see a guy who is very narcissistic, egotistical, self-absorbed, a bit destructive, self-centered, and very arrogant and I’ve personally seen and been around these types of people before and I definitely don’t even like being around them at all.

On one hand, I have a certain degree of respect for him being an independent urban businessman, which is always vilified by the colonial media.

On the other hand, I’m not a big fan of Lavar Ball on a personal level for legitimate reasons including the fact that he’s married to a parasitic Becky.

1. He’s An Opportunist – Many petty bourgeoisie like the Lavar Balls in our community are basically modern day opportunists that will gladly sell out the long term goals of the poor, working class urban people (revolution) for their own self-serving interests whether it be getting money from The State or going on colonial media outlets like ESPN and say some of the most condescending, disrespectful, and ignorant bullshit that comes out of their mouth. And this is very indicative of the behavior that’s often shown by many petty bourgeoisie in the colonial media.

2. His Blatant Disrespect Towards Poor, Working Class Urban People – Last month, Lavar Ball made headlines when he posted a tweet that really pissed me off and made me not even be a fan of the guy is when he blatantly disrespected the poor, working class urban people when he posted on his social media page, “If You Don’t Buy My Shoes, Then You Ain’t A Baller” and when I saw that post, I thought “This guy just disrespected the poor, working class urban people with that post”. And many petty bourgeoisie like Lavar Ball arrogantly think that just because they got some money, fame, status, and all this other superficial nonsense that they’re “better” than the poor, working class urban people in which they’re definitely NOT.

3. Ruining His Son’s High School Basketball Season – Another thing that made me not be a fan of Lavar Ball on a very personal level is how he ruined his son’s high school basketball season by doing sideline coaching where he was questioning the coach’s every decision, getting mad about the way his son’s team was being coached, and then he got into a verbal altercation with his son’s high school basketball coach in front of his son’s high school basketball team that made the team lose faith in their coach, so their season went from great to totally ruined all because of Lavar Ball.

The Conclusion – Petty Bourgeoisie like Lavar Ball truly don’t care about the poor, working class urban people, they only care about blindly chasing the superficial nonsense like money, fame, and status.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)