So About Black Conservatives and Christian Conservatives.

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( There are those among us in the Black community who believe that backing President Trump is 100-percent the right thing to do. They look at us who are either squarely in the middle or on the left as still holding residence on the Democrat Plantation. Those of us who are on the right but can see that Trump is a detriment not only to the Republican Party but to the U.S. are often seen as traitors to the party.

Interesting conclusions considering the president is one of the least qualified leaders we’ve had and has a cabinet with all of the strength and legitimacy of a wet cardboard box passing for shelter. I mean, how many people have jumped that burning—but not sinking—ship since he’s been in office?

No One Wants to Be The Token

Historians will look back on Trump’s time as president and wonder not how he got into office, but how people continued to keep supporting him. There will likely be confusion as to why there were Blacks folks who support him.

Now, to be fair Black Trump supporters are ride or die. Even though there are those who certainly have their qualms with the administration, they stand by their man. Then you have some white Trump voters who were excited that he had won and was “Exactly what America needs” but became disillusioned when he began to make moves that conflicted with things important to them.

That has been a long-time issue with discussing issues with conservatives. There’s a disconnect with everyone’s problems and how policy and leadership can affect certain parts of society in different ways. That is until it hits close to home. Then you have a split; raise awareness of the issue and deal with other conservatives who are like “Hey, what are you doing?” Or you can just continue to worry about yourself and those immediately around you.

You’re still concerned but it’s on a very “F*** the rest of y’all” level. Real “dangerous thinking” in those circles and showing concern and seeing how maybe the policy or leadership you supported before isn’t for the best. Or at least not the best policies for this time in history. Trust me, it happens on the left as well, just look at the split in supporting and holding Sanders to task.

When it comes to Black conservatives, it’s all depends on how deep they are with the party. There comes a point where you just can’t with all of this. They tried to be a warrior for Freedom™, a true patriot but there’s only so much that Black conservatives are going to ride with.

That isn’t to say they’re going to jump parties. However, they can look around and see that in some instances they’re concerns for making the party more welcoming to Black people is met with inaction. They’re in the token role and are pretty much tasked with bringing our folks to the party when it’s the party that has the problem with race and should be active in fixing it.

This Isn’t A Christian Nation

Across the diaspora, there’s a love of Jesus Christ. Of course, there’s an issue when it comes to religion across generations, religion and politics, and so on. Christian conservatives—not even just Black ones, just in general—can be particularly troublesome.

You have some conservatives who are Christians. These folks truly live their lives in accordance with their faith and are able to keep politics and faith separate. Not overly troublesome at all. These people are just trying to live and be good people, they just happen to have political and society views I and others don’t agree with but they aren’t actively judging others or pushing for their oppression.

Then you have Christian conservatives. They mix the two into Christ being some sort of right-wing warrior because there’s a mindset that America is firmly a Christian country. That Christianity—with its mosaic of denominations where no one is really on the same page about the right way to worship Christ—is the state religion. There’s a definite difference between a state religion and dominant religion.

Being that America is a secular nation, there should be no chest-pounding about how this is a Christian nation—yet here we are. LGBT people had rights denied because people in power and their supporters held that marriage was a sacred institution.

The institution as we know it today was originally held by royalty and people in power to justify marrying their own family members. You know, to keep bloodlines “pure” since these people were ordained by God to rule. Funny since those bloodlines are all kinds of messed up.’

In a way, Christian conservatives do walk it like they talk it. Some of these churches and religious leaders preach a form of Christianity where this is wrong, that is wrong, and you’re definitely going to hell. Not exactly hellfire but still very traditional.

None of Us Are 100 Percent Holy

So, making sure all of the sinful sodomites and debaucherous degenerates don’t navigate the world as our nation’s rights allow is essential…while at the same time making sure they pay taxes in a nation where they didn’t have full rights. Top notch.

Also, if we’re being literal-literal with the Bible, most of those pushing for LGBT people to “keep it in the closet” or to “not be so flamboyant” are sodomites as well. Keep it a buck, the majority of y’all aren’t getting it in with the intent of creating life. Backs are broken and basements are flooded just because.

Ask the pastor who’s a little too friendly with some of women of the congregation. Or who conveniently comes around when the husband isn’t home.

Considering how Jesus taught peace, love, and looking after one another unconditionally. How those closest to Him came from all walks of life and even broke the rules written in stone, Christian conservatives fall short of walking it like they talk it.

Jesus would likely have some pointed questions for them about how they’re carrying on. That aside, they can be in church on Sunday and other days of the week singing and praising about Him. Could you imagine someone exalting you and your work throughout life—work that would put you more on the side of the opposition—and doing things that run contrary of your life’s work?

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.

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