ADOLF TRUMP: The Similarities Will Shock You.

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( Before the horseman even enters office, he back peddles on the wall, the Affordable Care Act and prosecuting his former opponent. He refuses to admit obvious conflict of interests between his company’s business dealings and the government of China, Argentina and 2 dozen other countries. He covers the link (Paul Manafort) between himself and Russia. He says the election is rigged yet he wins. So what does that mean? His supporters are so clueless that they believe whatever he says, even in the midst of his contradictions and lies. They blindly defend whatever he says and does. When he proclaims himself a sexual predator then calls it locker room talk, his supporters say what he says. When women who say they are his victims confirm exactly what he said he does to women, supporters call them liars. what is this zombie, coma-like sleep that has come upon this land?

Donald Trump’s menswear line was made in Mexico. Who then is sending jobs out of America?

This horseman changes positions on issues to keep the media, his supporters and his opposition off balance. He sits and watches as hate crimes rise, swastikas appear and groups that support him throw up the “heil Hitler” symbol. And just as it was in Germany, millions of people refuse to believe what is happening. He is a democrat then a republican, a liberal then a conservative then something else completely. His party does not know what he will do or what to expect. The nations of the world and the stock markets show indications of panic. Some countries even convene emergency meetings. Yes all of this is happening right now and I am not speaking of Adolf Hitler.

Donald Trump backs up on prosecuting Hillary. He does not understand the attorney General appoints a special prosecutor, not the President. Lack of knowledge.

This horseman is sued for fraud regarding his fake Trump university after scamming those who signed up. He has to go to court to face charges that he allegedly raped a 13 year old. He has been sued twice by the United States Justice Department for discriminating against African Americans. He often settles quietly out of court and the unsuspecting public forgets all about his indiscretions. While most of us are disappointed in government, why are so many willing to accept this horseman? A narcissist who is constantly showing he only cares about himself and his brand while deceiving millions into thinking he is their political savior.


Trump supporters better wake up. And those of us who see what is happening better stop ignoring it. Let’s remember Hitler was also elected. He did not just jump up and become a dictator in the beginning. Nor did he eliminate the Jews in the holocaust in the beginning. Many of them could have survived but they refused to see what was happening right before their very eyes until it was too late. So today what are we watching as it evolves?

NEVER FORGET THE PEOPLE (the popular vote) DID NOT ELECT TRUMP. Hillary received over 2 million more votes than Trump but the electoral college setup gives it to Trump. President-Elect Trump was correct when he said the system was rigged but he left out that he was a part of the rigging. We also saw that further through voter suppression in places like North Carolina.

Adolf Hitler was never a leader and never a savior, but rather a ruler – a dictator who had to have government run his way. To him it was neither about the laws nor checks and balances. He simply got around them, dismantled them or ignored them. Does any of that sound familiar? Watch with your own eyes and listen with your own ears. Not to the spin and rhetoric, but rather to the facts.

Listen for how Trump speaks in code about African Americans. He says our neighborhoods are ghettos. He says our neighborhoods are hell. He says our schools are not producing thus he implies we are uneducated. He says we don’t have jobs which is code for calling lazy people who don’t work. Listen closely to the propaganda type rhetoric he uses and read behind the lines. A wolf in sheep’s clothing comes in as if he wants to help and uses camouflaged insults to convince people.

So what then of the Trump family history? Donald Trump’s grandfather (Frederick Trump) was a pimp (brothel owner) who operated brothels during the Canadian gold rush. Maybe this has some bearing on how Donald thinks of women. Frederick was reported to have run opium dens and fled to Germany but later deported as a draft dodger and a tax fraud. Upon returning to America, he invested his dirty money in real estate. This is where the Trump real estate fortune began.

While I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton nor a democrat, I have to look at the facts. Hillary Clinton received over 2 million more votes from the people than Trump. THE MAJORITY OF THE VOTING CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY CHOSE HILLARY CLINTON. But because of our electoral college scam in this country, Trump is the elected president. Only in America can a person have over a million less votes than his opponent yet still win the election.

Get ready because there is a storm coming and the horseman rides. People in professional positions are already being punished for comparing Donald trump to Adolf Hitler. They are being suspended or fired from their jobs as a way to silence them from speaking the truth. But look at the facts for yourself. Watch as America is made “great again” by a racist, white privilege definition – a definition that discriminates against Muslims and Hispanics, turns back the clock on civil rights for African Americans , allows police brutality and does away with healthcare for 20 million Americans. Prepare yourself. Darkness falls and it has begun.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw