An Open Letter to the Black Lives Matter Movement.

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( Yes, Black Lives do Matter.  Just ask a “Black” person in America.  But, no, the Movement won’t matter very much with an ideology that’s unable to move American society from its current thinking and values.  Protesting, by shouting and lying in the streets, often brings attention but offers very little persuasive argument.  It’s like sprinkling cayenne pepper on an over-ripened banana.  Looks appetizing and smells yummy, but, seriously, who will eat it?  You’re just wasting good spice.

The Movement has many ingredients to add but one in particular is missing – fear reduction among the dominant population.   Until Black Lives Matter gets that one right, you’re essentially “preaching to the choir.”  Getting to the point, taking such enthusiasm to White churches would get you where you want to go much more Black Lives Matter 2efficiently.  Visiting with White Catholics, White Methodists, White Evangelicals, White Southern Baptists, White Mormons, and the other various denominations would make your organization an instant hit one way or the other.  That’s what you want, right?  Sitting in pews rubbing elbows with the congregation of White police officers, White political officials, and targeted corporate leaders would serve your purpose more forcefully than disrupting traffic during rush hour.

Making your presence known in the chamber of Jesus, who, as Christians believe, died for (Black) you as well as (White) them, forces the dominant majority to at least consciously consider your goals and desires for several moments.  Nobody can legislate laws forcing others to like them, nor can they force others to stop physically assaulting their dignity without using further violence.  And, for certain, you can’t ask those who think they own you to stop using you for their purposes.  Black folks’ values and cultural norms intertwine with White folks’ values and cultural norms.  Your work begins there, not in pleading and weeping over matters that any reasonable liberal would judge as unjust.

So do something you’ve never done before.  Go and silently protest where it really matters.  Find the people who really are with you or who are against you.  If they can’t stomach your presence, call them hypocrites.  If they accept you, consider them saints.  If you want a peaceful, just America, then find a way to connect with your Christian White brothers and sisters who hold the Lord in their heart like you do and who, supposedly, will do the right thing – change the American landscape of values and culture that truly allows Black Lives to Matter.

Staff Writer; Mu Octavis Taalib

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