Black America Being Played on Jobs and the Economy!

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( Unemployment was up in June. Those who follow the monthly unemployment reports highly anticipated the June report. The reason this report was so highly anticipated has a lot to do with May’s report which indicated the national economy only created 38,000 jobs. To put that number in perspective, it is estimated the economy needs to create between 125,000 to 250,000 jobs on average each month to keep pace with new workers entering the labor force. Well, many breathed a sigh of relief when it was reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the economy created 287,000 jobs in June. However, the official unemployment rate used by this administration, the U-3 category number ( ), increased from 4.7 percent to 4.9 percent. The rate of unemployment as measured by the U-6 category, which experts consider to be the true rate of unemployment ticked down from 9.7 percent to 9.6 percent. Turning now to the African American(AA) unemployment rate; it ticked up to 8.6 percent from 8.2 percent. Even the white unemployment rate in June saw an increase to 4.4 percent from 4.1 percent. AA women saw their rate tick down from 7.4 percent to 7.3 percent. Black men saw their rate go from 7.6 percent to 8.2 percent.

These unemployment numbers reflect an American economy that is weak. When you look at what experts say is the true unemployment rate of this nation, 9.6 percent, you can get a sense of the econom2016-2016-BlackUnemployment-Rateic state of Black America. The black unemployment rate which is usually twice that of the national rate, gives you an unemployment rate of over 18.0 percent. What is more startling than the number itself, is that the AA race has been at that high rate for almost a decade without any relief! These high unemployment rates show up in other statistics. They have an affect on the black on black crime rate specifically and the national crime rate generally.

Consider this, when you read the rate of unemployment for AA teenagers; that rate officially as published by this administration increased in June to 31.2 percent from 27.2 percent. White teenagers in the same labor group for June showed their rate dropped from 14.4 to 14.1 percent. However, knowing that “the official” U-3 category rate used by this administration severely understates the rate of unemployment, and once again based on the black rate of unemployment being twice that of the white rate, when the U-6 category is used; AA teenagers between the ages of 16-19 years, the large majority having graduated from high school are looking at an unemployment rate over 60.0 percent.

What that means when you say their rate is 60.0 percent, is that for every ten AA teenagers looking for full time employment, only four can find a job. Donald Trump mentioned this statistic in his Republican presidential acceptance speech, and as he stated, these type numbers are edited out of the national media’s delivery of the news. Here is what he said, “What about our economy? Again, I will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper: Nearly four in 10 African-American children are living in poverty, while 58 percent of African-American youth are not employed.” It is interesting, that the public does not get the real facts about Black America’s economic condition from the white national media, nor the African American media. It takes people like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, who said the same thing in a stump speech, to bring this information to us.

Recently, another statistic that has many puzzled has begun to creep up and this stat has begun to rise within the last few years and that is the suicide rate of African American children. While many in the AA community believe African American families are a resilient group, and can withstand the pressures of almost ten years of Great Recession unemployment rates, the increase in the rate of suicide among AA children paints a different picture ( ). Here is a how a Time Magazine story written by Alexandra Sifferlin dated May 19, 2015, characterized the rise in AA children suicides, “ Suicide previously ranked as the 14th cause of death among black children ages 5 to 11 from 1993 to 1997, but it went up to the ninth cause of death in 2008 to 2012. For comparison, among white children, suicide was ranked as the 12th cause of death for the age group from 1993 to 1997 but it dropped to the 11th cause of death from 2008 to 2012.”

You would think traditional politicians like Hillary Clinton, those in the Obama administration and especially members of the Congressional Black Caucus would have some concerns about the economic state of Black America. However, if you live in the real world, and not one where you romanticize about the way things ought to be, you would realize many black leaders and politicians in general have developed alliances personally beneficial to themselves; whether it is with wealthy businesses and corporations or influential donors that have resulted in the policies which have brought the AA community to this dreadful place.

But, everything that happens in the AA community cannot be laid at the door steps of politicians. Blacks, individually and collectively must take responsibility. This economy and many of the black lives it serves are in shambles because of the AA community’s refusal or reluctance to act in its own best interest. And many of you know this to be the truth when you look at yourselves in the mirror. Our reliance on traditional politicians produced these very real statistics!

Some of you are now saying to yourselves as you look at these statistics and verify that they are a true reflection of what’s going on in Black America, what can I do personally to change this dynamic? Those of you who are thinking otherwise and are relying on the election of Hillary Clinton as president are sadly burying your heads in the sand and refuse to face the reality of Black America’s dire situation. It was during the Bill Clinton administration in 1994 that the current understating of the nation’s unemployment rates begin.

This practice was continued by the Bush and Obama administrations for obvious reasons; it benefits the administration that is in power. That’s why Clinton did it! And besides, the greatest chance of you having an impact on Hillary Clinton’s policies when it comes to the AA community is to let your demands be heard now, before she gets in office, as once she is in office she will not need your vote again until the next presidential election cycle.

The way to bring about change is clear. You take action and do “the right and just thing.” Someone else said that over 2,000 years ago and look at the changes he started. The book I’ve written, “The Fix This Time,” is just like this article, a true reflection of the reality of the country’s economic system. Additionally, it shows how the system can be beneficially repaired to help Americans, whites and blacks alike. I now have enough readers who can make a difference (Facebook friends), if 5,000 of you purchased and downloaded the book; exposing the above statistics at the national level and demanding AA issues be addressed “during this presidential election cycle” will immediately commence, without you doing anything else. These, among others, are issues I’ve championed for years.

Forgive me, if I think you should get something specific for voting en masse for a candidate like Hillary Clinton to be president. But, guess who else felt this way? Dr. Martin Luther King and his band of brothers and sisters called for and got specific demands addressed with the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Go to ( ), and encourage your friends to do the same. Watch how fast change can happen, when money from the purchase of the book ($10.00) is devoted to highlighting these issues. Step up now and take ownership of these issues, African American children need not die in this way

Staff Writer; James Davis

This talented brother is a graduate of Florida A. and M. University(FAMU), a former stockbroker, and a human rights activist who resides in Sanford, Florida. He was awarded the prestigious Governor Haydon Burns Scholarship to attend FAMU and while at FAMU was awarded the first Martin Luther King Scholarship. He is also author of three books, among them are “The Fix This Time,” Expanding Social Security Benefits to Create Jobs and Spur Demand( ) and “Hey…God’s Talking To You,” The Study Book ( ).

He can be reached through his blog @, (