New Orleans, LA; Racial Profiling Marigny-Style.

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( New Orleans most merciless gentrification getaway is its Marigny area. Crammed to overflowing with Obama racists whose vote hasn’t changed bone-deep bias toward regular Black people.

The jewel on the crown of its progressive prejudice is the hypocritical Healing Center. After purging its lobby of Black vendors, the only visible sign of ebony enterprise are janitors and one assistant manager. Apparently, their vision of progress isn’t different from obscure opportunities endured during Jim Crow.

The Black custodial contractor who previously serviced the centeramarignysign-NEWORLEANS-2016 had his contract terminated without explanation.

A Black co-owner of a club in its rear has been in the neighborhood association’s crosshairs since opening. Gale force winds whip, carrying phony complaints, frivilous lawsuits and even a false assault charge lodged against one of his security people- an event I witnessed.

I’ve even experienced Marigny-style racial profiling in all its passive aggression. In my former role as greeter at its entrance for a vending space I also service, I average about one lie weekly secretly reported to its owner.

Apparently, these complainants don’t dialogue with, putting it gently, Negroes ( insert the other N-word ). Reminds me of my low calorie apartheid childhood where battling bigoted backstabbing was a rite of passage.

The Marigny kills Black business and evicts our presence as fast as rapidly rising property value allow.

What more would one expect from a side of town that loves a bi-racial man in the White House, but opposes any of us in the de facto ” White house ” of a segregated neighborhood they’ve established.

This is racial profiling Marigny-style, a progressive prejudice which shows bigotry isn’t only on the other side of the aisle.

Staff Writer; Nadra Enzi

This brother is an urban security consultant, i.e. “UrbanSafetyist,” who assists businesses and events in securing themselves. Visit his UrbanSafetyism YouTube channel and blog: