A Fathers Engagement is Important in Schools.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Fathers across this nation want the best for their children; the best education is in the fore-front of many fathers minds. Early preparation is important so encouraging education early is one of the keys to successful academic stability and consistency in children.

Quote: “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” Jim Valvano

Early educational exposure can place children in the front of the educational bus that allows for building a solid foundation in literacy, math, comprehension, vocabulary, and the enhancement of thinking skills that are critical in school curriculums that require cognitive (mental), rational (thinking), and reasoning (understanding).

In my 26 years as an educator I have seen the need and importance of fathers involved in the educational process of their children. Fathers should mentor, volunteer, chaperone, and be community activists. Fathers need to be seen to teach ownership of learning, engagement in activities and set high expectations for success.

Quote: “A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” Frank A. Clark

The transformative nature of education shows that education will consistently change; curriculums change, educational strategies change, instructional requirements change, benchmarks are modified and assessments are as diverse as the students in the classrooms. A father’s involvement should not change, that is one piece of the educational puzzle that should stay constant and reliable.

The other element is the educator, each with their own teaching style,African American father helping son with homework methods, strengths, cultural backgrounds and perceptions that may or may not be influenced by the lack of involvement by a child’s father. As a parent of two young adults that transitioned through the educational system from elementary school to graduating high school.

I understand the worries, frustrations and challenges of fathers that may have them feel unaccepted, unwanted and may feel un-needed. As a father and educator; fathers are needed now more than ever to support education and stable growth in children. There are too many children emotionally missing their fathers, there are too many children angry at the world because their fathers are not present. There are too many children that do not have the moral character and the ethical awareness to keep them from the dangers of the School to Prison Pipeline. Fathers are important to raising children.

Quote: “It is a wise father that knows his own child.” William Shakespeare
Dr. Michael Robinson, CEO of Forest of the Rain Productions provides 6 Ways Fathers Can Become Engaged In The Academic Lives of Their Children

1. Observe your child’s classroom at least twice a year. Visit so you know where the classroom is and who the teacher(s) are that are educating your children.

2. Participate in at least one Parent/Teacher conference (I say two so you get to know the teacher and the classroom policies and procedures).

3. Assist your children with their homework assignments and school projects. This helps you the parent understand if your child is struggling or achieving educational goals.

4. Meet your child’s teacher(s), Principal and Guidance Counselor get to know names, email addresses and school phone numbers.

5. Check your children’s backpack (book bags) everyday (not for contraband, but papers, assignments) students are forgetful and misplace items all the time.

6. Complete and review all forms sent home by the school. (It is embarrassing to say you missed an important deadline because you did not read all the paper work).

Chinua Achebe (Nigerian author) statement about the importance of reading is a universal educational influence, “the importance of reading, because reading is the foundation of educational success.
Fathers should model this to their children and not just tell them, but model.”

If you’re a divorced or divorcing father communicate with the teacher(s) and administrator(s). Don’t be embarrassed, the more the school knows of your situation the better communication will help keep you involved and engaged with your children. During my divorce I made sure I notified the teachers that I was still going to be active and continue to visit the school to see my children. I still wanted progress reports and report cards.

Fathers must be reminded that they do have rights to visit and see their children unless legally advised not to. Learn your rights and stay involved with your children. Don’t let rumors, gossip, or other challenges interfere in helping your children have a successful school year.

Quote: “Until you have a son (or daughter) of your own.. you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son and daughter.” Kent Nerburn

A father does not realize immediately the impact he has on his children, if he stays involved, active and engaged he slowly realizes that his life has less meaning and value if he is not connected to his children. A father not only is important to children, but also to the community he lives in. His value rises as his children grow and mature because society and the community will see that the father has direct and transformative influence on his children. This resonates through the community and influences other men to be better fathers.

There is more to being a father than just giving a child life, a father can teach the gifts and talents his children have. Research shows that men who are positively involved in their children’s lives can give their children better outcomes in children through high expectations to be better than their father and mother. A male model for both boys and girls shows better educational success, function better socially and are more stable emotionally and behaviorally.

The tragedy and frightening aspect of fatherhood is that fathers are seen as risks or ignored. Father’s today feel excluded and ostracized, causing them to feel anger, frustration and abandoning their responsibilities. Young fathers are hit the hardest because of the challenges of employment, education and social stereotypes society has on them. This is not a valid
reason to quit being a father, but when depression and low self-esteem are present this has hard psychological effects on young fathers.

Engaging fathers from very early stages of a baby’s life is vital for a connection between child and father. Weeks after a baby’s birth are when the bond between father and child begins to form. Involving fathers at this stage can be the first step in a life-long relationship from which children feel secure and blossom. Social interactions are positive and productive
in children they are mentally and emotionally healthier.

Quote: “I don’t even know how to speak up for myself, because I don’t
really have a father who would give me the confidence or advice. Eminem
Children need fathers who are committed to fulfilling their responsibilities to their children. Charles Augustus Ballard, founder of the Institute for Responsible Fatherhood and Family Revitalization, stated, “People are saying it takes a village to raise a child, but first it takes a mother and a father, who are understanding, compassionate, nurturing, and responsible working together to teach discipline, character, integrity, and morals in their children.”

Fathers need to be supportive, encouraging and engaged in their children if not the social ills of society drain and destroy the family. Fathers make this the first day, the first week, of the rest of your live to be involved in your children’s life for the rest of your life.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.