Who Will Take This Woman?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) A couple of months ago,  I saw a picture that really disturbed me. It was a picture of a Sister that had a tattoo on her chest, and the tattoo was that of a specific part of the male anatomy and she boasted about a certain “skill set.” I thought to myself, how did the state of the Black Woman get to this?

I reflected back to an article that was written years ago, that stated that Black Women are the least likely to get married. I began to think why? What is it about the Black Woman that has become so undesirable? Then I had to think about our behavior as Black Women. Do we really make marriage a priority? Either we are driven by our careers, we want to be “Miss Independent“, or we are already in matrimonial bliss with our slave master.
I know the argument is that men sleep with black women, procreate with Black Women, then walk away from Black Women, but do these Black Women not offer their wombs? Why is the Black Woman one of the most disrespected and unprotected beings on the planet?
Why don’t  we as Black Women respect ourselves? Thinking back to the picture of the tattoo, what Brother would want to marry a Sister with that mindset? He might take her up on the skill set that she is advertising, but that’s it.  
The Black Woman of today has totally disregarded her femininity. We have however, embraced whoredom. We won’t brag about being a wife, but we will surely boast about being a whore. We have become your mistresses, your side chicks, your jump offs, your WHORES. We memorize lyrics to songs about it, we look to the glamorized whore to be the best whore we can be. Sometimes our guidance comes from the Madam in our house; aka the Mother. We won’t exchange favorite recipes, as in cooking for our families making sure they are getting the best foodblack-women-2014 from OUR hands, but we will exchange sordid tales of our “sex“capades, we will tell you what position produced the most positive results.
We are VERY crude in our language, very sexually aggressive but use words like “sexually liberated“, to try to make being a whore more palatable. We won’t let you inside our minds, but it takes NO effort for you to get between our thighs. The most sexually charged songs become our anthems and our mantras. We cheer on Olivia Pope in Scandal and we root for Mary Jane in Being Mary Jane because they represent our whorish role models. They are us and we are THEM. If they win, then all whores can win. I find it interesting that when I speak of the Black Woman’s sexual behavior, I am often met with “well white women do it to“. So you don’t mind when our filth is compared with hers? But if the topic is brought up of what white women or other women do in regards to other topics (i.e. submission )then we have a problem, but again if it relates to our promiscuity then we run to them as a defense.
Black Woman when will we become tired of being a whore, his whore, the white man’s whore, anyone’s whore? When we will start to love ourselves, our wombs and the REAL power that we hold? When will we stop being pleasure receptacles?When will we stop raising generations of whores? When we will learn that teaching our daughters to shake their behind is NOT cute? When will we learn that teaching our daughters that he has to “pay if he wants to play” is grooming them to be a prostitute? Transactions aren’t necessarily happening on the corner, they are taking place in our bedrooms.
We approach you as a whore, state our fee, whether it be our rent or car payment, hell, sometimes we specialize in a lot of pro bono work! Then have the nerve to demand that we be respected. Who respects a whore? Who protects a whore? The only protection required of whore is a contraceptive.
We revel in our rebellious behavior, lack of love, self worth, uncouth actions, miseducated children, the fact that we can’t be corrected, our warped definition  of submission and independence, we have become hyper sexed individuals, and we will tell a man his presence isn’t needed but then quickly condemn him for his absence.
What appeal does that type of woman have? We want the man to elevate us, but how can a man elevate us if we are always found lying on our backs? If the Black Woman thinks so lowly of her self, if the Black Woman has placed her body on the auction block, if she has discounted her own worth, who will see her value if she is unable to see it in herself?
Who will trust her to secure their legacy via her womb, if more and more cases of paternity are on the rise? If more brothers are being handcuffed by child support cases? If more men are automatically tried and sentenced before he has a chance to even open his mouth in defense because the victim card was played.
Instead of asking who will  take this woman…maybe we should focus on are we women worthy of “taking.”
Staff Writer; Nojma Muhammad
To learn more about this talented sister, feel free to visit; Nojma Reflects.