Yes, Sweet Dreams: Foods That Promote Sleep.

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( Sleep plays a critical role in looking and feeling your absolute best.

Getting a good quantity (i.e. 7-8 hours) of high quality uninterrupted sleep:


There are certain foods (and beverages) that promote high quality sleep. Foods that contain (or promote) tryptophan aid in the production of serotonin and melatonin. These chemicals have sleep-inducing effects. Foods containing melatonin, the chemical that regulates sleep, can also assist in getting a good night’s sleep.African American couple sleeping in bed

To borrow a line from The Eurythmics, “Sweet Dreams are Made of These”:

• Warm Milk: contains tryptophan, which helps in the production of serotonin and melatonin. Additionally, calcium helps the brain use tryptophan to manufacture melatonin.

• Low-Fat Yogurt: Good source of sleep-inducing tryptophan and calcium, which helps the brain use tryptophan to manufacture melatonin.

• Banana: Solid source of tryptophan. Additionally, the carbohydrates contained in a banana helps bring tryptophan to the brain to aid in the production of serotonin.

• Dried tart cherries: Contain melatonin.

• Popcorn: The carbohydrates in popcorn helps to bring tryptophan to the brain to produce sleep-inducing serotonin. When preparing popcorn, use iodized sea salt (which promotes thyroid health) or another spice (such as turmeric). Avoid cheesy or buttery popcorn.

• Tart cherry juice: A good source of melatonin.

• Chamomile tea: Contains no caffeine and helps the body to relax. Sweeten with honey instead of sugar.

Avoid eating big meals 2-3 hours before bed. The energy required to digest a big meal can disrupt sleep. Certain beverages such as caffeine, sugary drinks and alcohol can also impede a good night’s sleep. Instead, try one of the above foods or beverages as a light snack about an hour before bedtime.

Sweet dreams.

Written By Sloan Luckie