Yes What I Learned in 2012!

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( Dear Friend,

Every year, we are bombarded with “Year in Review” headlines. The best dressed, the top songs, and most fascinating people of the year. But I like to do my own “Year in Review,” a self-reflective recap that helps me see how much richer I am at the close of another year. “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold,” Proverbs 3:13-14. So at the end of each year, you ought to find yourself a little richer. Whether you view the experiences you’ve had this year as good or bad, each one offers an opportunity to become richer in wisdom and head into the New Year better prepared than ever to live wisely and be resilient.

Here’s what I learned in 2012. How about you?

1. Patience is relaxing.

From the moment I entered kindergarten a year early, I’ve always been on the2012year fast track. I put a high value on doing things fast. Whether it was squeezing too much into my schedule, finishing college in three years or exceeding the speed limit, I always rushed towards a proverbial finish line. But this year, I sensed in my spirit a major shift. I learned this year that patience isn’t just a virtue. It is a more relaxing approach to life. Whether you are trying to figure out if a relationship is right for you or whether it’s time to change careers, the answers don’t always come quickly. Be OK with that. Trust that divine timing is often not your timing – but it is perfect timing. Rather than rush, rest. Enjoy the journey.

2. Love is action.

True love is action – it’s what you do because you decide to love a person unconditionally. It is not always easy, but it allows you the stability of knowing where you stand – independent of what the other person does. That’s how God loves us. In spite of our faults and mistakes, selfishness or sin, He loves us. Nothing we do can change that. Can you love like that?

3. The key to success is sticking with it.

This year was our business’ best year yet. In nearly 12 years of business, there have been times when I was tempted to give up, get a job, or doubt my path. But I never acted on those temptations. Deep down, I know I am called to do this work. It is a part of who I am. So whatever it required, I’ve stuck with it. Thank goodness. I can’t imagine doing anything other than inspiring you to get unstuck, be unstoppable and live the fulfilling life you were called to live. 

4. Happiness is embracing what is and saying, “Thank you for this life of mine.”

I know you have goals. In fact, as humans we can’t be happy without goals. We need something to aim for. But while we are aiming – during that period in the meantime when we haven’t quite obtained what we want – there is a lesson being offered. It is a gift. It is the chance to learn to be happy “while,” not just happy “when.” Happy while you wait. Not just happy when you arrive. When you master that, you discover the key to contentment. Embrace what is. And find reasons to be grateful right where you are.

Written by Valorie Burton