The Value of a Black Life.

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( Gun violence has become such a hot topic with the recent shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut.  But just like I’ve said in a recent Facebook status although I feel bad for those kids in Newtown I wonder if their parent’s broke down in tears for all of those innocent Black and Latino children that were murdered in New York City, Los Angeles, Detroit and Chicago over the past year as well. The funny thing about tragedies that happen in small white towns is that evoke immediate action and policy.

President Barrack Obama said that now it’s time to stop these tragedies fromBlackLife happening. Although I voted and support our president I have to ask him one question: why now? Why when 20 people were murdered out in Detroit in one day there was no response. Why when 120 young Black and Latino men and woman under the age of 21 were gunned down in Chicago there was no response despite it going down in his home town.

 I’m saying all of this because I’m sick and tired of people wanting to make a change when lily white kids get murdered but when children that look like me get killed sensually it’s expected to happen due to their environment. That’s the sickening part of this country that I guess will never change but I feel that while the president shouldn’t be expected to fix all of the problems within the Black community he does have a responsibility to help those keep him and his family in the white house. It seems as if history repeats its self far too often when it comes to the question of is a black life more valuable than a white life?

The same thing could be said about missing persons as African-Americans make up 40% of them and get little to no national news coverage for disappearance. But when it comes to their white counterparts you’ll see billboards and milk cartons with their faces on them when they go missing which is another sad example of when the value of a person’s skin color can determine the outcome of their life.

The point that I’m trying to drive home is that it bothers me to known that unless I move into a white neighborhood or have a child that’s half white or become famous and my kid is in one of those schools then their life is not going to be valuable to America. We as a community do need to step up more and combat gun violence but we also have to show America that are lives and our children’s lives are just as valuable as our white counter parts as well and we do that by boycotting certain franchises and companies that do not value our lives.

Staff Writer; Shawn Hudson 

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