Six Lessons We Can Learn From Our Children.

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( A while ago I had a flashback of something that my son said to me when he was about four or five years old.  I was upset and crying.  Today I can’t even recall why I was bothered.  But I do remember him walking into the kitchen and saying in his sweet toddler’s voice. “Don’t cry mama everything will work out it always does.” 

Through my tears I could only smile and then I began to laugh.  I thought to myself where did he get that from?

Now that he is growing into a young man he still says things that sometimes blow me away.  This got me to thinking.  Even though we are the adults there are some things that we can learn from children.

What is today?

I remember many days my son waking up and asking “what day is it?”  He was just learning the days of the week?   He always wanted to know what the agenda was for that day.  He would always ask “What are we going to do today mama?”

As adults we are so easily caught up in the daily ritual of working, taking care  of home and our family that we sometimes forget to look at each new day as a new day of adventure and excitement like children do.

I Can Do It!

When my son was a baby I can recall him lying on his stomach and struggling to turn over.   He began kicking his legs and crying. It was very evident that he was frustrated because he could not turn over. Eventually he did roll over after not giving up and without my help.  In another instance have you ever rushed to help a young child only to have them tell you “No! I can do it!”

Children possess an overwhelming determination to do what they have their mind set on.  A child will say, “I am going to be an astronaut and they believe it wholeheartedly.  They only stop believing when some grown person comes along and tells them differently.

No You’re Not Fat

No mom you you’re not fat. Only here, here and here, but I still love you.” Kids are so honest.  If you want the truth ask a child and you will get your answer.  But I guarantee you it will never be hateful, only raw honesty filled with love.

Explore and Learn

 Children have no problem letting go and opening themeselves to explore and learn new things. “Why is the sky blue?  What is that made out of? Why is it that like?  The questions can go on continuously. They are inquisitive and constantly trying to figure out the how, when and why.  Wanting to learn new things keeps us feeling your and on our toes.

Enjoy Life Like a Child.

It doesn’t take much to make a child happy. They don’t require much only love, protection, play time and lots of ice cream.  Their childlike innocence allows them to enjoy life with no worries and regrets.  Live in the moment. Don’t be afraid to try new things, make mistakes and live spontaneously like that of a child.

Letting Go

Have you noticed how kids argue, fuss and fight with each other and ten minetes later they are friends again? They somehow forget they were ever mad at each other.  As adults we can learn need to learn to forgive as a child does, especially over petty things. Even a child knows that staying mad can be ridiculous at times.

In their own innocent way children can teach us lifelong lessons in the simplest of ways. We only have to be open to receive them.

Learning these lessons may extend your life by taking away stress, lifting your spirit and giving you a reason to simply smile.

Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell

For more writings by this sista feel free to visit; SoulXPosed2U.