Black Men Do Go to Church…

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( At just about 11:30, last Saturday morning (Jan. 7th), a brother stood at the church alter and shared that he occasionally entertained thoughts of suicide. His testimony was stirring. He was joined by two other brothers who, also, were bold enough to share with the audience their struggles.

On that sunny Saturday more than 100 African-American men, nestled in the sanctuary of Southern Missionary Baptist Church in Southern, Maryland, surrounded those brothers with prayer, encouragement and promises of continued support. Those men, on their day off; with the temperature set at a pleasant 63 degrees on a January day, probably with chores to achieve, where in church. 

Twelve miles south in Arlington, Virginia about 30 brothers convened at  Mount Zion Baptist Church. They were not worshipping like the men at Southern Missionary, instead these men were working (tithing their time) at the request of their pastor. On a day perfect for golf, up to 150 men in two locations were serving God. Black men do go to church.

Last week Major Mack penned, for the pages of, “Why Black Men Don’t Go to Church.” I responded to Mr. Mack’s article by suggesting (just my analysis) the reason most black men don’t go to church are because of convenient excuses. Whilst I agree with Mack that there are some critical issues that plague today’s church, to primarily include poor and corrupt leadership; if you are a man claiming to live as a Christian disciple then it is your responsibility as that man to right the unrighteousness that one claims is wrong. That’s what men do, and what God’s word authorizes.

In Genesis 2:15, God mandates Adam to work the garden and “take care of it” (protecting). In Deuteronomy 13:12-16 God gives permission to men to “inquire,” “probe” and “investigate” suspected wickedness. And if iniquities are founded – men are to take a sword to the city and destroy it. Finally Acts 6:1-6 tells the narrative of the Hellenistic Jews (immigrant men of the community) who had issue with discrimination in their community. They took their issue to the Hebraic Jews (the natives) and implored them to rectify the wrong. Authentic men will stand up and right that which is wrong – not retreat by running for cover.  

Rather than share the value of why black men do go to church – giving in-depth insight to what comprises a genuine church – it appears to be suitable for writers to pen storylines of why black men don’t go to church. In 2011, I probably read up to seven articles, published by seven publications, on the subject – all with the identical title. As usual we are not identified by that which we do, but rather relegated by what we are perceived not to do.

A headline that reads “Why Black Men Don’t Go to Church” is debilitating. It mirrors those dangerous proclamations that spew, “black men are dogs,” and “there are no good black men,” and is the first cousin to a mindset that believes “black men are criminals” or “black men don’t care for their children.” Being painted with a broad paint stroke is both reckless and irresponsible. Be clear the intent of this piece isn’t to cover up evil – that would be disobedient to God’s word. My intent is to prevent the cover up for that which is right. Masking what is right is as egregious as covering up that which is disobedient to God’s word.

I find in life people speak from their experiences – however limited or limitless. My experience is, I have attended nothing but churches with excellence leadership – pastor’s teaching God’s authentic word and men actively involved. Churches where pastors hold men accountable and men, likewise, hold pastors accountable.

Do those churches the Mr. Mack spoke of exist – sure they do. But does this mean that brothers who write articles on why black men don’t go to church own the monopoly on what’s real talk. Well here’s some ‘real talk:’ there are a rack of churches with large male population, void the presence of preachers pimping women – preaching God’s fervent word.

Believe me – Black ‘MEN’ do go to church, but males usually find reasons not to! 

Staff Writer; Reginald Williams

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