Troy Davis and black community genocide before all.

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( I am not angry at all about the execution of Troy Davis and can’t understand for the life of me why so many of us are when in every hearing on every level of the justice system, the conviction was upheld. 

Is it because it was another black man? Well, I’ll be doggone. Another black man is killed by a “system,” but you all don’t give a doggone about the “system” of black-on-black crime, or should I say the black community genocide. 

Why are we so angry because of what we deem injustice when every day we overlook the blatant disrespect we give each other? How are we angry over injustice when we don’t do a doggone thing to prevent or eliminate it when the  cameras aren’t rolling?

How are we angry about this injustice but tolerate the injustice of failing schools, the loss of accreditation in predominantly black-populated school districts, the firing/laying off of great teachers and the drastic budget cuts to the education system?     

If you all get off your lazy behinds, turn off Basketball Wives and other ignorant, non-intellect stimulating shows, read the newspaper instead of sex and violence-filled novels, turn on some news outlets and challenge others to do the same, you won’t be a people of “reaction” but will be a “proactive” people,   

If you all quit following the media hungry so-called “black leaders” – whom you have to pay to get them to take up the cause, and the only way they will is if the media (that we accuse of being biased) is covering the story – then they will disappear along with the cause when the news cameras are turned off.

If you cooperate with the police and get rid of the “I don’t snitch” mentality and take back your neighborhoods, things will change.

If you volunteer with community organizations, the school systems, mentor someone and take care of one another, things will change.

If you all vote during local, state and national elections, regardless as to how little media attention the election gets. and if you all vote for city council, aldermen, mayors, governors, state legislators, judges, federal legislators, presidents, vote for local, state, and federal ballot initiatives and amendments, things will change.

 If you all vote for school board members, attend school board meetings, and consider yourselves stakeholders in school systems, things will change.

If you all cut out the selfish, non-caring attitudes (“that doesn’t have anything to do with me, my kids aren’t like that, my neighborhood is safe, I have a job with benefits, etc.), things will change.

If you all would recognize jury duty as a privilege and an honor and quit trying to avoid serving, things will change.

If you quit whining, crying, and considering yourselves victims and blaming everyone but yourself for your situation, things will change.

If you quit throwing out the doggone race card every time someone is convicted, talked about, etc., things will change.

If you offer up genuine praise and worship, quit being Sunday-morning Christians, part-time Muslims, or however you identify yourself spiritually, things will change.

Yes, I believe the justice system is broken and imperfect. And yes, I believe that we as a people, regardless of our political affiliation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, and gender, can make things better. All we have to do is want it and go get it. Quit being a benchwarmer and get out and make plays.

If I offended you, send all hate mail to hell. 

Written By Michelle R. Robinson