The Truth about GOP Sarah Palin…

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( Don’t get it twisted, Sarah has a wealth of supporters. This is why she is very popular. But many liberals have confused their disdain for Sarah’s character for being unpopular, incapable and incompetent.

But she keeps resurfacing, even when many liberal voices want to wish her away.

I do not know if she has any concrete standing to win The Presidential Election for 2012. But she is extremely popular.

Sarah captured the hearts of many, when John McCain announced her as his running mate in 2008. But the wonder woman image quickly began to spiral.  Many Americans felt Sarah was not equipped to run for the Vice Presidency. Her knowledge and expertise was limited when it came to foreign policy and “real” issues.

In my opinion, her incapacity of creating clever campaign phrases and slogans or utilizing typical political sound bites for the sake of scoring political points, created a landmine for many to call her dumb. So who is the joke really on? Sarah couldn’t be less than authentic (she was the real deal) and she could not paraphrase the typical campaign rhetoric for the sake of mirroring the political golden child. What you saw from Sarah, was what you got. Because of this political flaw, she could not pull it off in 2008.

And if we can take our minds off Sarah for a moment, (yeah I know, she is in the media quite a bit) we have not seen much brilliance from any political candidate in a long time. Many candidates have been clever, schooled, has access to deep pockets, yet lack substance. Quite truthfully, they leave us empty handed without coherent solutions to real problems. Familiar phrases hit the air waves like, ‘I will increase taxes“. “Taxes will not go up“. “I will end the war and bring the troops home“. “ I will roll back our economy to the Clinton or Reagan era“. It all sounds like a bag of smarts, doesn’t? Apparently, Sarah did not have that bag with her. And that’s a shame if this is how we have measured her.

As a minority woman, Sarah Palin has disappointed me, not because she couldn‘t utilize the above sound bites. But because she represented something for me. I am a woman. I did have high hopes. As an African American, I know what it is like to have to prove my “smarts”, my capability and potential. And it is not easy. It has its rewards because people are caught off guard, at times. They are not prepared for what I know or what I have to say. My ability to be able to challenge their thinking, amazes them. And quite truthfully, I should be offended. But we are still evolving as a society, and some of us, just do not know any better.

As a woman, working twice as hard comes with the territory. I don’t like it. But it has been an eye opener and a key to a vault, one that unlocks the mystery of our potentiality as human beings. There is never any limit for our capabilities, regardless of sex, nationality, background or income. And I wanted Sarah to exemplify those very things I am 100% sure of. Because there is no reason she should “appear” unintelligent. And as much as she shuns the media for their control over “image“, she has made it easy. And this has been one of my dissatisfactions with Sarah Palin. Gender or sex is not synonymous with brilliance or intelligence. And maybe I am wrong. Because maybe brilliance is not the equivalent to knowing how to solve our legislative and economic problems. It comes in many forms.

Back in 2010. Sarah Palin created a cross hairs map of the United States, marking off key legislatures she felt should be replaced. This was one of her media frenzies, another one of her side show attractions. But I am certain, it was not intended for violence. Yet, it was vile and hateful. And she does not hold direct responsibility for any sicko who will feed off her media rant fest. But a Congress woman, who was marked on her map, was targeted at some point. Let’s say Jared Lee Loughner, the twisted and sick, Arizona shooter never saw Sarah’s cross hairs map. It’s quite possible that he did not. But her rivalry and renowned disdain with Democratic candidates was escalating in the media. My thought was, this is not someone who is looking at ways to resolve legislative or policy issues. This is someone who is milking ratings. Presidential material versus entertainment-for-media is two different things, in my opinion. This is what transpired for Sarah Palin. Almost instantaneously, Americans forgot that she held a political office, because she had transformed into someone who was quite equipped with utilizing media for ratings, the very medium she shuns and mocks still to this day. At this stage, I felt that this was not someone I wanted to run my country. This was not someone I felt should be honored as a political leader. This was not someone who represented nor cared for “all” Americans. This is someone who preys on the American political system for some sort of personal gain.

Sarah had gotten my attention in 2008. I had high hopes because she represented a woman like me. She is a mother like myself. She is ambitious like myself. She is family oriented and still maintains a career like myself. Sarah enjoys “tomboy” activities, like myself. She works out and runs marathons like myself. She is a woman that does it all, like myself. So a woman that is “doing it all“, that was pursuing one of the highest offices in the nation, was very important for someone like me. But when she publicly failed at exemplifying what it meant to love Americans and love working for Americans, it reverted back to what many have felt prior to Palin’s very public acknowledgement, “Doing it all, really does not exist.” But I am aware that it does. Because I exist.

Written By Julene Allen-Dell’Amor

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